Friday, December 07, 2007

Not even firefighters are safe
The above story tells it all, we "gringos" have been put on notice. A story that is old hat for those of us who actually pay attention. And now hopefully the national media will show what a real hate crime is, even when committed, by a few "minority" idiots. The trend to brow beat "white America" is very strong and a little too easy when it comes to "hate crimes." How many of you know of Jasper Texas, I am willing to bet all of you (who were of age at the time.) Did you hear of a lonely soccer field in Wichita Kansas on December 14, 2000. Some black guys (Reginald Carr & younger brother Jonathan Carr) killed some white people, no big deal just business as usual, unless, the races were reversed then you get a Jasper. I wonder how long this Boston story will be buried so as not to make "Hispanics" look bad (Bush's favorite group.) I also wonder if the restaurant ever burns down and the Fire department is called; will they bring marshmallows and weenies. This will be interesting to watch if the term "gringo" gets any play at all. I do not like racists jerks of any color but when you play favorites for political correctness, that is when I get nasty about it.

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