Thursday, July 10, 2008

So is it blacks or is "African American?"

"I was in a conversation with a fellow guest at Fox on Sunday. He Asked about Barack's speeches lately at the black churches. I said it can come off as speaking down to black people." Weds July 9, Reuters reporting on Jesse Jackson talking about Obama.

I am in a quandary, just when I thought this election cycle could not get on my nerves, Jess Jackson opens his bigoted mouth. I just have one question, you know, being a "white boy", I need to know how come he does not refer to blacks as "African Americans." I have had "Afro" this and "Afro" that pounded into my head. I have even been told by an "African American", aka the black man, while wearing a leather African medallion; that I would stand before the black judgment throne and answer for my crimes of being white. The Jesse "high priest" Jackson has recently attacked Barack Hussain Obama for "talking down to black folks" and at " black churches." I will give you time to think about what the Jesse high priest Jackson said. All right times up. Class what is it that came out of the race baiting white hating bigot. Sorry little Johny it was not African American or African American Churches. Go to the back of the class you brain washed idiot. All the rest of you who could separate a race baiting genius from ordinary black Americans or "folks" you get a gold star. On one hand I can understand a race pimp pushing his own, especially towards others who are not of his exalted race; he should do what he does. What I find embroiling is the fact that he would exempt himself from his own edict's and imposed sacraments. This high priest (Rev. in name only) has the audacity to not refer to blacks as African Americans (which is what we "whites" have been "told" to do) but as "black folks." I have been given ugly looks when I use the term black to…describe… a black person. I almost feel that I should say African American just to keep from feeling that I have done something wrong. For this man to even just say "black church" and "black people" is just plain blasphemous, and has violated his own sacred commandments. Now you have to understand why I am upset, you know, being a "white boy" that I have never  been referred to as a "European American." But this begs the question, when do you stop being a hyphenated American and become just an American? 
Once again I digress, there is no money to be made if there are not different classes of people to exploit. By this I mean if "African Americans" become just Americans, just like white Americans. Jesse would stand to loose all that he has or be forced to get a real job!
Just as a side note, the US is, I believe, the only place that hyphenates so many people, one people my behind!
As always I will be just a white boy (with Cherokee ancestry) and never anything special. Oh wait… I am very special… I AM AN AMERICAN!

Note: The person who wrote this story for Reuters, went out of their way to be P.C.
"Jackson, talking to CNN on Wednesday, said Obama has given what amounts to 'lectures' at African-American churches"

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