Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sara Palin-mother and politician

After all the hoopla about Sara Palin having a 4 month old downs syndrome baby and her daughter about to be a new mom; we are hearing from the left that she really needs to stop and rethink this whole VP thing. For one her newborn is a special needs child and will require a lot of attention; two her daughter will need her when she gives birth to her first child and three this will place a lot of stress on her family. They are trying to get the message of " we do not want your family to be hurt, we are giving you this advise for your own good." I know most of you are smart enough look right through this BS and see the truth of what they are saying. The fact is that for many decades feminism has fought hard for the inclusion of women in every facet of our society. They want that "glass ceiling" busted up and the mens only club to be the mens and womens only club. Look at Nancy Pellosi, the first female speaker of the house, she has a lot of children and grandchildren, Hillary Clinton, she has a kiddo also, but that did not stop these women from following their dreams. What makes Sara Palin (R) Alaska so different…oh, wait she is a republican. Just like blacks are just as qualified to what ever they want except if they are a republican wanting to be a Supreme Court Justice. This is from the same party that claims that they were responsible for the 1964 civil rights act (Al Gore's father voted no BTW) and claim to uphold the working woman's right to achieve whatever she wants…unless it is to be a republican. Are you starting to see a pattern here? The things that are being said about Sara Palin would never have been said about Pellosi or Clinton. Also I noticed that not one word about Sara's husband watching the children and helping with the special needs of their newborn. Like all responsible fathers, he will be there, come hell or high water! As for their daughter her soon to be husband will be there to take a responsible role and help her as they build a family. He really does not need the Mother-in-law to be there at every step (I know that is a recipe for failure.) But whatever they decide to throw at her will only go to strengthen her resolve and continue to just cement her positions that much more. Tonight she gave us a glimpse of what we are to expect from her as the next VP and I do not believe that she will quietly sit on the sidelines and allow John McCain to do all the heavy lifting. Well boys, girl power is about to come of age…Palin Power!

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