October 27, 2008,
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said Monday that he’s looking forward to one party controlling all aspects of government, despite GOP charges that it would be a disastrous Nov. 4th outcome.
“Republicans ha
d a chance to rule. They failed miserably. I think it’s time to give the other party a chance,”
Dean said on MSNBC.
Republicans recently warned there would be grave consequences for the country if Democrats were in charge of both chambers of Congress and the White House. At a rally in Ohio, for instance, GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) said he would provide a balance to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who plan to increase taxes.
But Dean dismissed the argument, saying: “You cannot trust Republicans with your money. They will borrow and spend, borrow and spend, borrow and spend.”
Howard Dean has completely missed the whole concept of “We The People” and the ideal that government only exist by the consent of the governed. The statement that the Republicans had a chance to “rule” shows his complete ignorance of how America really works, and why having a ruling party is very, very bad for our liberties. By the way I do not know of republicans who would want to have a second bill of rights or one that would love to stack the court with
anti-constitutional judges who would legislate from the bench. The fact that he even said “I think it is time to give the other party a chance” really shows the pathology that has been endemic with the democrat party for a very long time. The Idea that some one has to rule also shows that the democrats are only interested in power, just for the sake of having power. This is the same party that wants to destroy this economy with “wealth redistribution” and “fairness,” yeah, the Kulacks (Russian peasant middle class) found out about redistribution and fairness in the new Soviet Russia.
The Idea that we need a ruling class is nothing more than a mad power grab, and believe me when I say this, they will stop at nothing to destroy the liberties that our Constitution and Bill of Rights grant us. Howard Dean sees the “little” people as in need of being ruled, this is where basic conservatism and Dean part ways. True Conservatism consist of the individual choice without forced external influence or hype. It consists of being responsible for your own self, so that you can also help others; lets face if you are sick you can not effectively help others heal. Our country has had many who had nothing, find a job or skill, and exploit natural talents, and turn it into opportunity and wealth. You do not find that in other countries, as a matter of fact a lot of places try to stifle creative people and destroy opportunity under the guise of “fairness” and loyalty to the “state.” Dangerous and counterrevolutionary words, I know.
But if you like the democrats having a super majority, then you did enjoy the 70’s and the Carter administration. Remember Howard Dean is the guy who did not want to play "hide the Salami."
This November vote what will be right for America and not for social expediency, and carry these same thoughts into local and state elections as well; it is the only way to root out the cancer that has manifested itself in our body of politics.
Read between the fingers America!