Tuesday, January 06, 2009

To Secede Or Not To Secede, That Is The Question!

In this time of discourse with our fellows in Washington we as a people need to hold them accountable for the path that they wish to impose on us as citizens.

We need to look at them in the context of, are the powers in DC representing us or are they representing their own means and ends; and to the devil with the rest of us if we do not go along.

I would surmise that they have taken the latter rather than the former. They promise great things, they want to bring peace and prosperity but only deliver their own interest in the end.

“I will go to Washington and I will ‘Change’ the way things work.” Does this sound familiar I would hope so, we have been entreated to these platitudes far too long and we as the populace grow weary, angry and even apathetic. We grow tired of the “same ole–same ole” among our elected aristocratic class.
Yes, they have become the new bourgeoisie class who say one thing here in their home state and do a completely different thing in DC. And they expect us to be compliant sheep that is lead to the slaughter house of their power procurement, with out so much as a whimper.

Well that type of mentality was soundly defeated in our past with a war of independence and a civil war which by the way did knock some sense into the lawmakers collective heads; but oh how they have forgotten the lessen.

The Democrat party is now and for about the past fifty years, been amassing power to themselves to be set up as the giver of indulgences. Well we the people as was with Dr. Luther and his 95 thesis, have in our power to begin to reeducate the ignorant on Capital Hill.
This is an alternative to another civil war, or at least the antecedence to secession. This alternative that I speak of is Nullification.

This idea of nullification would allow the States to make null and void any laws that the Federal government would try to impose on them. This idea stems from Thomas Jefferson and James Madison with their writings of the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions of 1798.

This was written in opposition to the Alien and Sedition act of 1798. The way that the resolutions were written was from the view point that the Constitution of the US was no more than a compact and not the supreme law of the land.
It was an early attempt to constrain the factions at that time, that controlled the federal government. The Federal government was beginning to encroach on the States were the Constitution did not give them clear grounds to do so. The constitution does spell out the Feds responsibilities and the stuff that is not for them is to be relegated to the states to make that decision.

Nullification, was a way that states could control the Federal government from enacting laws that could injure its citizens, which, they are charged with protecting.
Encroachment from a strong central government was seen as an evil and there had to be a way to preserve liberty and preserve the Union. This was the position that John C. Calhoun the vice president to Andrew Jackson; who, by the way was a senator from Tennessee, saw the tariffs and other acts as favoring the north and hurting the south.
Andrew Jackson saw Nullification as treason and threatened to hang Calhoun and other who followed him. Jackson saw this as a path to anarchy and the dissolution of the Union. Those were only fears of the powerful to stay in power. Calhoun had wanted to keep a tight control on the Federal government in order to preserve the Union. If the states are given the right to challenge and even nullify a law; then what is the inducement for succession if you hold a lot of power yourself?

John C. Calhoun

Calhoun was seen almost as a traitor, when in reality he wanted a balance of power between the States and the Federal government.

So, how is this to be applied to today. Well even up into the 1950’s the idea of Nullification was used and even some of the now liberally thinking big government north eastern states, had at one time tried to use Nullification to real in “big government.”

One big issue that has come up and there is certainly a lot of controversy over it, is GHGE or green house gas emissions. The Supreme court has recently upheld the right of the EPA to not only regulate auto emissions but also apparently animal emissions. This would lead them to impose a fee on certain sized animal operations and require permits to be bought. This would be a great windfall tax for the Federal government but would lead to an increase in food (in this case meats) prices and drive a lot of the smaller farmers out of business, because, they would not stay in business long enough to absorb the fees on each of the animals.

This would suggest that the Federal government wants to impede the pursuit of happiness clause of our Declaration of Independence. That the government wants to reach into our foods (not that it is not happening now) and tell us what we can and cannot raise and if we do raise something, we must pay dearly for it.

You know the vegetarians are just salivating over this idea right now, but they are for imposing their beliefs on you any way (that will be another blog article.)
This is one example of how one faction wants to control the rest of us. And leads us to how we could impose Nullification.

If the States could simply say what you are proposing would hurt a lot of people in our state and we do not think it constitutional, then the EPA through the government would have to rethink their whole tax the farting cows for saving the planet scheme. And yes this is something that the EPA is thinking about right now.

Here is the story on that:

So what do you think of our little Union now. It can be controlled and it can be reigned in so as not to be tyrannical toward the citizens. And yes, this Union can survive the democrats and republicans, if we stand up for our selves and not faint in their presence.

More in another blog.

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