Sunday, December 14, 2008

California trucks could be next on the endangered list.

Mary Nichols chair of the California Air Resources Board and others voted unanimously this month make it even tougher for goods and services to be delivered by trucks. This woman looks as though she really has a grasp on the business of transportation.

What they have mandated is that all trucks over 14,000 lbs and bigger than a F350 or a GM 3500, will have to install filters on their trucks to filter out diesel fumes. By the way this will cost approx. $12,000 per vehicle. This not only places undue burdens on C.A. trucks but also any truck that would enter this great socialist state.

This Air Resources Board has effectively cut them selves off from the rest of the country, which is not necessarily a bad thing. The way California has been run (even with a RHINO like the Arnold) we should just remove one star from the flag and make it official.

The fact that California seems to not heed to the peoples will explains why this type of ruling would never have been put to a vote, namely because it would have been soundly defeated.

The reasoning for the genesis of this lousy REGULATION is to supposedly save the lives of 9,400 people between 2011 and 2025. This is from the fumes of trucks at loading docks and other places where trucks and people work together.

What will the air resources board will do if the lives they are going to save die by other means; such as, I dunno, the caffeine in the coffee that dock workers drink or the fast food they eat or diabetes that they will get by eating doughnuts or if they are killed by drunk drivers on their way home from work. More than 3,000 people a year are killed on Americas road ways, not to mention the fog in areas of California that cause millions in damage every year. Is the California Air Resources Board going to require that interstates have fog filters installed.

All of this during a time of economic hardships. And what does the “Govenator” have to say about this economic nut crusher. Yeah that what I thought also…nothing.

This state should be looked at as a warning to the rest of the nation, as to what can happen when you let the loonies run the asylum.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

I said, I will spread your wealth around!

The man is not even president and he is already showing that he is just another rich politician that going to keep what he has and to hell with the rest of you. You can do with less but do not dare ask “the man” for anything of his.

Obama has a $30 million surplus left over from his campaign but he is not about to help out his fellow democrats, which is going to leave him with a few angry pigs that were headed toward the trough.

Raymond Buckle the New Hampshire democratic party, says:

"If I was a top adviser to the president elect, I wouldn't necessarily be advocating saving those dollars,"

Well if that does not speak to the underlying spend, spend, spend philosophy of the DNC in general, then I do not know what does

"It was critically important that we not repeat what happened in '93, '94," when President Bill Clinton held the purse strings and Democrats lost 54 U.S. House seats and eight senators during midterm elections.

Raymond seems to be concerned about loosing the mid term elections by using some of B.O.’s money. Like I said, pigs to the trough.

“Obama's organization retains some $30 million after his successful presidential bid, but it's unclear how the Democratic president-in-waiting might use the money. Members of his party are doing their best to appeal for the funds without appearing greedy, ungrateful or hostile to their new leader.”

If I were B.O., I would also be wary of the same people who helped me to win the White House, because when they get their hooks into you they will bleed you dry. The only requirements for them to even approach you is:

1. That you have lots of money
2. That you were put there by them
3. That you have loads of money

But to their dismay B.O. does not really want to “spread his wealth around.” Should this really surprise anyone, you know a democrat with money, wanting to share it with anyone. They really owe the wealthy and Joe the Plumber an apology.

This is the height of hypocrisy and greed and it is coming from the DNC not the greedy look out for yourselves RNC.

Remember Republicans lost and lost big (as they should have) and now the democrats have no one to point fingers at and decry them as an example of greed and corruption.

Let the fun begin!

Link to original story.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Cutting the Cheese is going to cost you!

Apparently farting and belching farm animals is one of the greatest threats to the planet. The EPA is floating legislation that will charge per farm animal per year, to pay for the greenhouse gasses they emit on a daily basis.

To be fair to the EPA, they are not the only wack jobs to want to do this, New Zealand is also wanting to cash in on the global warming hype also. But they wanted to not only tax cattle but sheep also.

The EPA wants ranches with more than 25 dairy cows, 50 beef cattle or 200 hogs to pay an annual fee of about $175 for each dairy cow, $87.50 per head of beef and $20 per each hog. This would cost up to $30,000 to $40,000 a year for a lot of ranches and farms.

Talk about a job killer and not to mention that this would drive up the domestic meat market prices in a time when we are already paying a premium because of energy costs.

This will also allow foreign food producers to flood our markets with their meats, why, because they do not have the same Nazis telling them that they are causing global warming and they need to pay.

Another interesting twist is this, it will put our domestic production at risk during a time when we really need to have jobs here at home and not supporting some other countries workforce.

I guess the old saying if you want to eliminate something then tax it comes into play here.

It really seems to me that our own government is working against us and trying to make things worse. Fanny and Freddie were a big government debacle and the oil price spiking was because they did not want to drill because of the “environment.”

And speaking of the environment here is what P.E.T.A had to say (no not People Eating Tasty Animals, you were thinking it.)

"It makes perfect sense if you are looking for ways to cut down on meat consumption and recoup
environmental losses," said Bruce Friedrich, a spokesman in Washington for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Good grief, just to keep people from eating what they want, they are willing to destroy farm jobs and kill an economy, in the name of the environment. These people are as flakey as pie crust.

There is a problem with this whole idea of taxing farm animals, because you know it will not just stop at farm animals; how about your pets and you know how bad a how much dogs fart (those are some smelly farts, you know, the 13 year old in me is enjoying writing this.)

Next they will be taxing our breathing, why, because we exhale CO2 , a “known” green house gas!

Lets face it we have a fight ahead of us and there is a lot of education that needs to be taught.
Ignorance really is a costly commodity, lets face it, if people really knew better, then the idiots that are running the government (I did not say the country) would not be there and there would not be this tax everything in sight mentality.