Friday, December 05, 2008

Cutting the Cheese is going to cost you!

Apparently farting and belching farm animals is one of the greatest threats to the planet. The EPA is floating legislation that will charge per farm animal per year, to pay for the greenhouse gasses they emit on a daily basis.

To be fair to the EPA, they are not the only wack jobs to want to do this, New Zealand is also wanting to cash in on the global warming hype also. But they wanted to not only tax cattle but sheep also.

The EPA wants ranches with more than 25 dairy cows, 50 beef cattle or 200 hogs to pay an annual fee of about $175 for each dairy cow, $87.50 per head of beef and $20 per each hog. This would cost up to $30,000 to $40,000 a year for a lot of ranches and farms.

Talk about a job killer and not to mention that this would drive up the domestic meat market prices in a time when we are already paying a premium because of energy costs.

This will also allow foreign food producers to flood our markets with their meats, why, because they do not have the same Nazis telling them that they are causing global warming and they need to pay.

Another interesting twist is this, it will put our domestic production at risk during a time when we really need to have jobs here at home and not supporting some other countries workforce.

I guess the old saying if you want to eliminate something then tax it comes into play here.

It really seems to me that our own government is working against us and trying to make things worse. Fanny and Freddie were a big government debacle and the oil price spiking was because they did not want to drill because of the “environment.”

And speaking of the environment here is what P.E.T.A had to say (no not People Eating Tasty Animals, you were thinking it.)

"It makes perfect sense if you are looking for ways to cut down on meat consumption and recoup
environmental losses," said Bruce Friedrich, a spokesman in Washington for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Good grief, just to keep people from eating what they want, they are willing to destroy farm jobs and kill an economy, in the name of the environment. These people are as flakey as pie crust.

There is a problem with this whole idea of taxing farm animals, because you know it will not just stop at farm animals; how about your pets and you know how bad a how much dogs fart (those are some smelly farts, you know, the 13 year old in me is enjoying writing this.)

Next they will be taxing our breathing, why, because we exhale CO2 , a “known” green house gas!

Lets face it we have a fight ahead of us and there is a lot of education that needs to be taught.
Ignorance really is a costly commodity, lets face it, if people really knew better, then the idiots that are running the government (I did not say the country) would not be there and there would not be this tax everything in sight mentality.

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