Saturday, December 06, 2008

I said, I will spread your wealth around!

The man is not even president and he is already showing that he is just another rich politician that going to keep what he has and to hell with the rest of you. You can do with less but do not dare ask “the man” for anything of his.

Obama has a $30 million surplus left over from his campaign but he is not about to help out his fellow democrats, which is going to leave him with a few angry pigs that were headed toward the trough.

Raymond Buckle the New Hampshire democratic party, says:

"If I was a top adviser to the president elect, I wouldn't necessarily be advocating saving those dollars,"

Well if that does not speak to the underlying spend, spend, spend philosophy of the DNC in general, then I do not know what does

"It was critically important that we not repeat what happened in '93, '94," when President Bill Clinton held the purse strings and Democrats lost 54 U.S. House seats and eight senators during midterm elections.

Raymond seems to be concerned about loosing the mid term elections by using some of B.O.’s money. Like I said, pigs to the trough.

“Obama's organization retains some $30 million after his successful presidential bid, but it's unclear how the Democratic president-in-waiting might use the money. Members of his party are doing their best to appeal for the funds without appearing greedy, ungrateful or hostile to their new leader.”

If I were B.O., I would also be wary of the same people who helped me to win the White House, because when they get their hooks into you they will bleed you dry. The only requirements for them to even approach you is:

1. That you have lots of money
2. That you were put there by them
3. That you have loads of money

But to their dismay B.O. does not really want to “spread his wealth around.” Should this really surprise anyone, you know a democrat with money, wanting to share it with anyone. They really owe the wealthy and Joe the Plumber an apology.

This is the height of hypocrisy and greed and it is coming from the DNC not the greedy look out for yourselves RNC.

Remember Republicans lost and lost big (as they should have) and now the democrats have no one to point fingers at and decry them as an example of greed and corruption.

Let the fun begin!

Link to original story.

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