Once again B.O. has to go to Canada and once again he has to reassure them that the “buy American” provision in the “Porkulus Maximus” bill, was just to satisfy the bitter clingers (my words not his.)
"This is a huge risk to the world right now. If there is one thing that could turn a recession into a depression, it is protectionist measures across the world," Canada's PM Harper told CNN in an interview. He said he was encouraged by Obama's signals on the issue but cautioned that Canada had options of recourse under international trade law if necessary.
Once again I must say buy American, wink, wink. I mean the Canadians have “recourse” right?
If this massive bill was going to be such a debacle, then why oh why did B.O. insist on it being signed sight unseen. And if this was to go towards creating jobs for Americans, then why oh why is he telling others not to worry things will stay the same.
This is a man who has absolutely no experience in this realm of politics, he should have stayed in the senate where he could have continued his agitating.
Can you imagine if Bush would have done something like this, they would be calling for his impeachment and eventual lynching.
We will not get the truth from B.O. nor will we get a straight answer from his administration. So much for transparency and accountability that he promised. Where are all of the critics of the Bush administration about a secretive government, oh yeah, I forgot they elected B.O.
This man will touch off another tariff war, all because he can not keep things straight in his own mind……or is he doing this on purpose. You have to ask yourself would he destroy the American economy just to create an emergency (because you cannot waste a crisis remember) and then take complete control of the US with his minions and myrmidons? Maybe he really is not foolish after all. Maybe he sees himself as a type of Robert Mugabe or some other African dictator in waiting.
Speaking of Mugabe, in 2001 the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act or ZDERA; allowed that government to print “Trillions” of dollars and that led to serious hyperinflation. Like B.O. Mugabe harassed his political opponents like the Movement for Democratic Change, now think of Rush, Hannity, Boortz and when he said that “Republicans should not listen to Rush, that will not get things done” and the calls for a version of the “fairness” docterine.
And now with his Attorney General stating that we are a nation of cowards because we do not play with the black kids on our weekends; what are they going to do next redistribute our land in addition to our wealth. You know Mugabe gave his support to the SADC’s (South African Development Community) intervention in the Second Congo War which redistributed thousands of white owned farms.
Could this Marxist, redistributionist, collectiveness come to our shores, with B.O. all things are possible.
You know, a lot of folks including me, tried to warn the American people that this man was going to be bad for America. Just think Jimmy Carter part 2 but only worse.
Could this Marxist, redistributionist, collectiveness come to our shores, with B.O. all things are possible.
You know, a lot of folks including me, tried to warn the American people that this man was going to be bad for America. Just think Jimmy Carter part 2 but only worse.
Above: Mugabe and his wife Grace.
Here is a link to the article.