This is what this guy will be remembered for!
In a speech to Justice Department employees marking Black History Month, Holder said the workplace is largely integrated but Americans still self-segregate on the weekends and in their private lives.
"Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards," Holder said.
Is this the change that we are going to expect from the B.O. administration. No longer can you whites get by with saying that you have a black friend and he is a really nice guy, now you are going to have to prove it!
Soon gone are the days when you can go home and relax with your family with no impunity or judgment. According to Eric Holder, you are a coward if you do not mix with blacks…uh I mean African–American People (that of the chosen one.)
You can go ahead and call me a racist, I do not give a damn. When I am being called a coward because I do not associate with a preferred skin color, so-called minority, that happens to be in fashion at the time, then I will up my standards and you need to UP YOURS!
Boy if this would have been a republican talking this way about black…uh I mean African–Americans, then all kinds of hell would have been raised about the racism in that statement.
Look, who I choose to hang out with IN MY OWN DAMN TIME, IS MY OWN DAMN BUSINESS!
When you have a black…uh I mean African–American minister, Dr. Joseph Lowery delivering the inaugural benediction (aka the Emaculation Invocation) and saying
“when black will not be asked to give back, when brown will stick around, yellow will be mellow and the red man will get ahead man, and white will embrace what is right.”
When white will embrace what is right, is this the type of crap we will be entreated to for the next four years. And I thought the Ku Klux Klan was a racist organization. They don’t even come close to the fomenting, putrid, rancid, foul, fetid and rotten hate in the Black community. I am sorry, I do not mean to lump Black Americans in with African–Americans
You know when kids are told that they have to share and spend time with another classmate that they do not like, it is far worse for that one kid in the end after others are told they have to play with them.
The Black community really needs to stand up and say this is pure B.S. or they will not have any respect whatsoever that they have earned over the past decades. Not only are we told that whites discriminate against the black…uh I mean African–American, but now we have to share and play with them or we whites will be punished sometime in the future.
You know I do not remember our first Black Secretary Of State speaking like this…hmmm.
Is this the great CHANGE that you voted for, I know I did not vote for this, I saw a lot of B.O.’s B.S. coming down the pike. This is just the tip of the “payback” iceberg that is headed our way.
You better dig in and hang on, because they are coming to get you whitey!
Here is the original story in case they decide to deep six it for obvious reasons.
Is this the great CHANGE that you voted for, I know I did not vote for this, I saw a lot of B.O.’s B.S. coming down the pike. This is just the tip of the “payback” iceberg that is headed our way.
You better dig in and hang on, because they are coming to get you whitey!
Here is the original story in case they decide to deep six it for obvious reasons.
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