Sunday, February 08, 2009
Republicans Big Spenders, I am Shocked!
Well you knew that it was going to happen, Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, are going to give the democrats the support and filibuster proof the “Porkulus Maximus” bill.
I mean lets face it, you are perceived to be a bit of a liberal Republican and the democrats really, really, and I mean really need you; your weight in gold has just been guaranteed.
Not that these 3 senators are anything real special except they are known for their slightly left leaning. But to their credit they have not went out of their way to proudly author bill that among other things limit free speech…John McCain.
But these things happen when you have been marginalized to a razor thin edge. Hey these three saw an opportunity to spend and took it.
Why all the fuss over them, they are just doing what the majority of other Republicans have done over the past eight years, right?
All the millions in new government entitlements and new government programs and expanded government programs and entitlements, this new stimulus is nothing more than spending in one shot that would have been done over a few more years.
President B.O. said on February 5, at a Democratic retreat.
"So then you get the argument, 'well, this is not a stimulus bill, this is a spending bill.' What do you think a stimulus is?"
"That's the whole point," he said, as the audience hooted and applauded.
You know B.O. should just take the low and slow approach to massive spending like the Republicans did over the past eight years, he would have less resistance.
This whole idea of shoving a basketball through a garden hose is the wrong approach. You make it a few small marbles over a period of time and you will role through that garden hose much more easily. Just for the record, I do not support massive spending that will put us in deeper debt and cause the Federal government to get even more bloated and expand its scope of power.
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