You are wandering down a dark corridor and you see a door, you open the door and you see a sign; CAUTION: you have now just entered “The Demwitted Zone!
For your consideration, in recent light of the New Haven Conn. Firefighters case that came before the Supreme Courts. Should white firefighters be denied the opportunity to advance because no blacks were able to pass the exams for Lieutenant and Captain.
The Supreme Court thought that was stupid too (5-4). But………………
In dissent, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the white firefighters "understandably attract this court's sympathy. But they had no vested right to promotion. Nor have other persons received promotions in preference to them."
Whites have no “vested right to promotion,” does this strike you as “whitey go home!” And that the whites “attract this court’s sympathy,” attract sympathy, like you would for a lost dog, as you drive by him in the rain an splash water on him and say “he is so cute.”
Just that one dissent speaks volumes about those who want “racial equality” in our country, they don’t! If they did then this case would, like Sotomayor, be a no brainer to figure out. But hey far it be from me to tell others how they should be or live, I am one of those whackos who believe you should be allowed to be the best you are no matter what you skin color is. Oh yeah by the way, Sotomayor even admitted that here test scores were not the best and benefited from preferences while in law school.
We are in trouble when we start to think that one set of standards are to be applied to one group of people and an entirely different set to another.
But hey, thanks to the former ACLU lawyer (D) for sticking up for the downtrodden, right.
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