Thursday, February 19, 2009

Connection between Mugabe and Obama?

Once again B.O. has to go to Canada and once again he has to reassure them that the “buy American” provision in the “Porkulus Maximus” bill, was just to satisfy the bitter clingers (my words not his.)

"This is a huge risk to the world right now. If there is one thing that could turn a recession into a depression, it is protectionist measures across the world," Canada's PM Harper told CNN in an interview. He said he was encouraged by Obama's signals on the issue but cautioned that Canada had options of recourse under international trade law if necessary.

Once again I must say buy American, wink, wink. I mean the Canadians have “recourse” right?

If this massive bill was going to be such a debacle, then why oh why did B.O. insist on it being signed sight unseen. And if this was to go towards creating jobs for Americans, then why oh why is he telling others not to worry things will stay the same.

This is a man who has absolutely no experience in this realm of politics, he should have stayed in the senate where he could have continued his agitating.

Can you imagine if Bush would have done something like this, they would be calling for his impeachment and eventual lynching.

We will not get the truth from B.O. nor will we get a straight answer from his administration. So much for transparency and accountability that he promised. Where are all of the critics of the Bush administration about a secretive government, oh yeah, I forgot they elected B.O.

This man will touch off another tariff war, all because he can not keep things straight in his own mind……or is he doing this on purpose. You have to ask yourself would he destroy the American economy just to create an emergency (because you cannot waste a crisis remember) and then take complete control of the US with his minions and myrmidons? Maybe he really is not foolish after all. Maybe he sees himself as a type of Robert Mugabe or some other African dictator in waiting.

Speaking of Mugabe, in 2001 the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act or ZDERA; allowed that government to print “Trillions” of dollars and that led to serious hyperinflation. Like B.O. Mugabe harassed his political opponents like the Movement for Democratic Change, now think of Rush, Hannity, Boortz and when he said that “Republicans should not listen to Rush, that will not get things done” and the calls for a version of the “fairness” docterine.

And now with his Attorney General stating that we are a nation of cowards because we do not play with the black kids on our weekends; what are they going to do next redistribute our land in addition to our wealth. You know Mugabe gave his support to the SADC’s (South African Development Community) intervention in the Second Congo War which redistributed thousands of white owned farms.

Could this Marxist, redistributionist, collectiveness come to our shores, with B.O. all things are possible.
You know, a lot of folks including me, tried to warn the American people that this man was going to be bad for America. Just think Jimmy Carter part 2 but only worse.

Above: Mugabe and his wife Grace.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Black History Month Turned Racist!

This is what this guy will be remembered for!

Eric Holder, the nation's first black attorney general, said Wednesday the United States was "a nation of cowards" on matters of race, with most Americans avoiding candid discussions of racial issues.
In a speech to Justice Department employees marking Black History Month, Holder said the workplace is largely integrated but Americans still self-segregate on the weekends and in their private lives.
"Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards," Holder said.

Is this the change that we are going to expect from the B.O. administration. No longer can you whites get by with saying that you have a black friend and he is a really nice guy, now you are going to have to prove it!

Soon gone are the days when you can go home and relax with your family with no impunity or judgment. According to Eric Holder, you are a coward if you do not mix with blacks…uh I mean African–American People (that of the chosen one.)

You can go ahead and call me a racist, I do not give a damn. When I am being called a coward because I do not associate with a preferred skin color, so-called minority, that happens to be in fashion at the time, then I will up my standards and you need to UP YOURS!

Boy if this would have been a republican talking this way about black…uh I mean African–Americans, then all kinds of hell would have been raised about the racism in that statement.

Look, who I choose to hang out with IN MY OWN DAMN TIME, IS MY OWN DAMN BUSINESS!

When you have a black…uh I mean African–American minister, Dr. Joseph Lowery delivering the inaugural benediction (aka the Emaculation Invocation) and saying

“when black will not be asked to give back, when brown will stick around, yellow will be mellow and the red man will get ahead man, and white will embrace what is right.”

When white will embrace what is right, is this the type of crap we will be entreated to for the next four years. And I thought the Ku Klux Klan was a racist organization. They don’t even come close to the fomenting, putrid, rancid, foul, fetid and rotten hate in the Black community. I am sorry, I do not mean to lump Black Americans in with African–Americans

You know when kids are told that they have to share and spend time with another classmate that they do not like, it is far worse for that one kid in the end after others are told they have to play with them.

The Black community really needs to stand up and say this is pure B.S. or they will not have any respect whatsoever that they have earned over the past decades. Not only are we told that whites discriminate against the black…uh I mean African–American, but now we have to share and play with them or we whites will be punished sometime in the future. 

You know I do not remember our first Black Secretary Of State speaking like this…hmmm.

Is this the great CHANGE that you voted for, I know I did not vote for this, I saw a lot of B.O.’s B.S. coming down the pike. This is just the tip of the “payback” iceberg that is headed our way.

You better dig in and hang on, because they are coming to get you whitey!

Here is the original story in case they decide to deep six it for obvious reasons.

Monday, February 09, 2009

People Vote With Their Wallets

You know free trade can be a real two edged sword, it can help you get your goods into a market but it can also give aid and comfort to your foreign competition.

For years people have been giving the pros and cons about NAFTA and President B.O. has as of last year and just recently threatened these agreements.

He says at out of one side of his face, do not worry I will protect the status quos. He did this to Canada and more recently with Germany. The things that he said evoked threats of a trade war from the E.U. but this is where he gave the “wink and nod” to the leaders.

You know buying American is a great idea and the Federal government really should support its own especially if we are using tax dollars to buy it.

Now some have suggested that we do not help out foreign business (knowing that these are US based) this is really a nearsighted approach to business.

We are as you know in a world economic market, and we can not just let our companies that are outside the US to just wither and die. If they are based in the US and they go belly up here then they will go belly up over there and then we have a domino effect of job losses and that is interconnected with our economy.

To suggest that we always prop them up is sophist argument at best.

We must deal with the root cause of what drove these businesses to locate outside the US.

I do not wish to sound simplistic but Unions. There I said it now let the cat claws and the fires of hell come to lash out at me.

I have just implicated one of the democrats sacred cows as a reason that we are in the business mess at present. You have to realize that B.O. will not reign in these Unions and the destruction that they wish to do to businesses.

The Unions see the current climate as bad, not to the bottom line of businesses but to their workers which leads to the Unions bottom lines, the union dues and the power that they hold over businesses.

Yes, if you choke off the union dues then you choke off the Unions themselves. This cannot happen and President B.O. owes them a lot for helping him rig…uh I mean campaign for him.

As a side note to the card check law that B.O. wants; it really seems strange that the very law that was to help protect union members from boss retaliation (secret ballots) now they want to know who will be voting for the Unions in order to maybe intimidate or retaliate against non union people. By the way congress does not have to conform to Union laws at capital hill.

Now in other blogs of my friends, they are stating that we should be in the tank 100% no matter what for buying American. But I need to remind them that if you only buy American at a greatly inflated price (this is my hint that we need to hamper the Unions in their ability to extort huge pay from companies) this will only add to the deepening debt problem that we are currently experiencing with the “Porkulus Maximus” bill.

It is so easy for some to say buy American. But will you put your money where your mouth and your families mouth is and forgo a cheaper costing item, just so you can support a Union worker making $14-$25 per hour. You know if it came right down to it the union workers also buy at Wal-Mart, because it is cheaper and you do not soak yourself.

We really need to address the issue of cost here at home before we can tell the world why it is better to buy American. Sure we make some really great things but so does the rest of the world. We just charge way more for it than we should.

You can talk all you want about your patriotism but in the end patriotism will not put food in your house and gas in the tank. Americans will vote with their wallet especially if it helps their families out.

People are not stupid and I am not trying to be calloused about our current state or about NAFTA, but even in great economic times we will choose the less expensive over the opulent.

In addition to getting government spending under control (yes both parties are to be blamed for that) we need to allow an atmosphere where business do not have to be afraid of current environment for doing what they do.

On that note I would like to emphasize to anyone out there who thinks that President B.O. will put controls on Unions, that is not only bologna but pure unadulterated B.S. The Unions own B.O. and they tell him how things are going to be. Like I said earlier, they helped him get elected.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Republicans Big Spenders, I am Shocked!

Well you knew that it was going to happen, Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, are going to give the democrats the support and filibuster proof the “Porkulus Maximus” bill.

I mean lets face it, you are perceived to be a bit of a liberal Republican and the democrats really, really, and I mean really need you; your weight in gold has just been guaranteed.

Not that these 3 senators are anything real special except they are known for their slightly left leaning. But to their credit they have not went out of their way to proudly author bill that among other things limit free speech…John McCain.

But these things happen when you have been marginalized to a razor thin edge. Hey these three saw an opportunity to spend and took it.

Why all the fuss over them, they are just doing what the majority of other Republicans have done over the past eight years, right?

All the millions in new government entitlements and new government programs and expanded government programs and entitlements, this new stimulus is nothing more than spending in one shot that would have been done over a few more years.

President B.O. said on February 5, at a Democratic retreat.
"So then you get the argument, 'well, this is not a stimulus bill, this is a spending bill.' What do you think a stimulus is?"
"That's the whole point," he said, as the audience hooted and applauded.

You know B.O. should just take the low and slow approach to massive spending like the Republicans did over the past eight years, he would have less resistance.

This whole idea of shoving a basketball through a garden hose is the wrong approach. You make it a few small marbles over a period of time and you will role through that garden hose much more easily. Just for the record, I do not support massive spending that will put us in deeper debt and cause the Federal government to get even more bloated and expand its scope of power.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

And You Say Bush Is Stupid!

In the traditions of lampooning Republicans who say “stoooopit” things, I am unable to let Nancy Pelosi get by with it.

After no real ridicule of President B.O. and his “60” US state gaffe and JoJo the circus chimp’s gaffes, this the latest from our THIRD in line for the Presidency.

If you people, and you know who you are, are any where near “fair and balanced” then you had better start up the Laugh Factory with the funniness coming from the left in politics.

Let us start with a dusty oldie but goody.

Does anyone remember Al Gore:

From an Associated Press report during the Clinton '92 campaign: Gore, a 16-year veteran of Congress, pledged to take on the assignment with "great relish and enthusiasm." He asked voters skeptical of their promise of change to remember that every Communist government in Eastern Europe had fallen in 100 days.
"Now it's our turn here in the United States of America," Gore said.
In his first appearance in a nationally televised candidates forum, Al Gore was asked to name a past US president from whom he drew personal inspiration. the future veep unhesitatingly replied that he especially admired another "dark horse" candidate, and a product of his home state, the great "president James Knox". The only problem is that the history books show that nobody named Knox ever occupied the White House.

On a televised tour of Monticello, the historic home of Thomas Jefferson, Al Gore paused in the entrance and blinked up at four busts over the door, depicting Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and the Marquis de Lafayette. as the CNN cameras rolled the veep-elect inquired "who are these guys?"

At a meeting of the institute of world affairs, Al Gore provided an original translation of America's official motto, praising the city's ethnic diversity as an illustration of the great principle "e pluribus unum" - "out of one,many". Many conventional Latin scholars translate the phrase as "out of many,one"
When sending out a letter to the press apologizing for yet another embarrassing gaffe, the earnest vice president Al Gore promised reporters that this time he had "learned an important lession (sic)" - though apparently not spelling. for those who wondered whether he might ever wise up, the answer came at a press conference where he solemnly declared "we all know that a leopard cannot change his stripes." "

These are only a few quotes from the Nobel winner that I was able to gleem from the internet. These gems were tough to locate, but I found them. Someone does not want them to be found and they have been cleaning up the internet that he created.

Now this gem of a gaffe that no one seems to be reporting on. But I guarantee if this were a Republican, the howler monkeys would be calling to get rid of the idiots immediately.

Nancy Pelosi: 500 Million Will Loose Their Jobs.
February 4, 2009 --
Looks like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will say anything to get support for President Obama's $900 billion stimulus package.
Pelosi publicly stated that "every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs."
Although Pelosi made the absurd claim last month, video of the event where she spoke surfaced over the weekend on YouTube and various right-wing blogs.
The United States has a population of 303 million.
It isn't the only time Pelosi has made the bizarre claim.
In a Jan. 18 interview on "Fox News Sunday," Pelosi repeated that 500 million jobs would be lost unless Obama's stimulus package was passed by Congress.
When host Chris Wallace corrected her and asked if she meant 500,000 jobs.
"What did I say, million?" asked Pelosi, adding that it "feels like 500 million."
"Some 500,000 Americans will lose their jobs each month until we have a recovery package," she said.
"Yes, Madam Speaker, it feels like almost twice the entire population are losing their jobs each month," retorted Wallace.

Think what you will for now, say what you will for now, for tomorrow you may loose your 1st.
Jason Hall 2009

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Buy American…… No, Just Kidding!

Wow, when was the last time you heard anyone pushing buy American. Well President B.O. is no different, or is he. In this latest stimulus, bill buy American is part of a theme or a fad according to the B.O. administration.

Is this going to be another case where B.O. says one thing and then runs to that country and gives a wink and a nod, like he did with Canada during the campaign. Where strong protectionism and N.A.F.T.A came about. But Austan Goolsbee a senior economic advisor for the B.O. campaign basically said that this was rhetoric for the consumption of the Midwestern masses (not his words mine) sort of like the bitter clingers rhetoric.
Well this little bit or “rhetoric” has not went unnoticed. In addition to the opposition from the EU and Canada, some senior US Republicans have cautioned that the Buy American measure could start trade wars. Trade wars that would not be very adventitious to the US.

However, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said:
President Obama had assured her the US would not follow protectionist policies.

So apparently the rest of the world will not have to worry about the buy US “rhetoric.” This is where you insert a lot of nods and winks.

This is what you get when you get a community agitator for President. This man know how to pull off a good snow job.
Hope and change, yep we are getting a lot of that now. Others would call this bait and switch and still others would call it snake oil. But when you boil it down, B.O. turns out to be just B.S.

So how, if this protectionism is actually acted on, will it affect U.S. workers. It would isolate us from the rest of the world. Why, because we are in a world market in the 21st century; unlike the 18th and 19th century policies.

It would help out the Union bosses who would get rich off of union dues and would demand new bigger contracts to pump out the iron and others for the “buy American” projects.

The American consumer would take it in the shorts, let me explain.

American company “A” makes product “A” and sells it for $50. Foreign company “B” sells the same product “A” but at $25 per unit. Are you going to go to the streets and proclaim that you are proud to buy a product that costs more, just because it is American made. Or will you buy from company “B” for $25 and use the other $25 to put more food on your table.

Well protectionism is a two way street. If we demand that the government only buys US made goods at an inflated price, then that will only add to our growing, giant, gargantuan, humongous, fat, bloated deficit. And the rest of the world would retaliate by putting huge tariffs on our goods coming into the same countries that we shut out of our government contracted markets.

In addition to that, company “B” will have to charge more for its product than what company “A” charges. So the “American” consumer gets a price increase which means less money to use in other areas, just because we wanted to buy US only.

Not only that but you have just told the free market societies thanks but no thanks to good competition. If you remember the Union was in the practice of protecting its industrialized interests against the cheap labor of the Southern states, and we all remember how that turned out.
When you start to isolate yourself in a global economy you are asking for trouble. And when you say you will be protective and then you give a wink on the side, you come across as being a scallywag (if you know your history, you will know what a scallywag is.)

Here are some parting words of wisdom:
Proverbs 10:9-10
He who walks with integrity walks securely,
But he who perverts his ways will become known.
He who winks with the eye causes trouble,
But a prating fool will fall.

In case you were wondering what prating is:
prate |prāt|
verb [ intrans. ]
talk foolishly or tediously about something.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Is Not The Problem!

Marc Chamot, is a dear friend of mine and some one that can test your knowledge about current events. But his latest blog has totally missed the “Marc” with his assumptions about the Republican Party, Rush Limbaugh, and the connection between the Clinton N.A.F.T.A and jobs leaving the US.
To begin with I would like to give kudos to Michael Steele, this is a man who, not because of his skin color, but because of the “R” by his name was defeated in the Maryland 2006 Senate election. You would think the democrats would back a black candidate over a white candidate (yes I still believe the dems did not want a conservative black man in the senate.) I believe that he will bring some backbone to the Republicans, if they choose to listen to him and follow along.

Which brings me to my next point, the Republican party as a whole. They have shown that they will cave and cower to the press and democrats (yes I know that I am spelling Democrats in lower case,) they do not want to be perceived as being racist, homophobic, sexist, or any other politically incorrect label that you can think of.

Even when the party went out of its way to grow the budget and spend like drunken sailors, they would still get negative press as a party. Michael Steele does have his work cut out for him. He will need show the American people that the Republicans (at least in the past) are for the little man and that smaller government is good for all, rich and poor alike. He will have to bypass the Clinton/Obama media and go straight to the people. When I say people, I mean all Americans, with out the B.S. of the stupid labels such as African-American, Latino-American, European-American (I know they are just white but go with me on this one), American-Indian-American, Stupid-American, Thirsty-American, Hungry-American, so on and so forth.
Wow with all of the different groups that we have in America, Steele does have his work cut out, in as far as addressing their various needs and distinct cultures; or is he going to see all Americans as just that, Americans. That is the pit that the Republican party fell into. They have been sucked into this popularism of the left and the democratic party. They wish to please every body, but you can only make some of the people happy some of the time, and all of them none of the time. You got to stick to core values, smaller government and less spending. They chose to ignore that value.

To know about the lack of leadership you only need to look at former President Bush, you can read my earlier blog discussion about him. The fact that Bush was just for big business and not the working class, then explain the tax cuts for the middle class. Which are set to expire in 2010, then you will see the middle class get hit hard and the democrats will do nothing to stop it. He also was not responsible for all the jobs going out of the country, remember Clinton (1993) is the one who signed onto N.A.F.T.A. But President Bush did sign C.A.F.T.A.,in 2005, half way through his presidency and in 2006 the democrats took control of the Senate, so in that respect some of the jobs went south (no pun intended.)

This other obsession that Marc has about Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh being the reason that the Republican party had tanked, well Marc my friend, if the Republican party would have listened to Rush and Sean, then they would not be in the mess they are in now. As a matter of fact, they would never have run a chump like McCain as their nominee. If you really listen to Rush and Sean, then you would know that they do not give out marching orders to their listening masses. Those that listen will also know that Rush and Sean are for smaller government and the working man keeping more of his paycheck rather than giving it to the government. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, present facts and then they give their point of view about it. The facts are the Republicans stopped listening to any conservative voice years ago when they started to spend, spend, spend.

The Republicans under Bush did this to themselves, as Bush pointed out in 2006, “they got a whoopin” and he did nothing to help them. Like I said, I explain this in my earlier blog.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and others have picked up where Ronald Reagan had left off and continued the drumbeat of real liberty through a limited and smaller government, less spending, and less taxes being taken away from the working man (both rich and poor.) Yes I defend the rich, namely because you can not get work from a poor man. I think that Libertarians would even agree with this summation that is to say it is parallel to the Libertarian thinking.
I do agree that the Republican party has went along with the democrats, because they perceived it would gain them power and cause them to be re-elected. In this sense Marc is right that they have drifted away from main street and went to the gated community. They have tried the democratic way and they are finding it to be as bitter as hemlock, and the ones who drank deeply are now gone.

The new Republican chairman does have a lot of pieces to pick up and there will be a lot of helping hands that will offer assistance. Whether he will listen to the “ideologist” of the left or the right (I think we all know that answer,) he will do what he can to put back the undamaged pieces and fill in the holes with new and better people.

The Idea that Rush and Sean are responsible for the Republicans downfall is down right laughable. In reality Rush did all that he could to offer ideas to the Republicans and give them any assistance that he could. Oh by the way he still is not part of the party.

Like I said earlier Marc it has right and wrong on this matter, he still makes very valid points but misses some others. But healthy debate in a free society is what it is all about, only John McCain would disagree with that, yeah I am still angry about that.