Sunday, December 14, 2008

California trucks could be next on the endangered list.

Mary Nichols chair of the California Air Resources Board and others voted unanimously this month make it even tougher for goods and services to be delivered by trucks. This woman looks as though she really has a grasp on the business of transportation.

What they have mandated is that all trucks over 14,000 lbs and bigger than a F350 or a GM 3500, will have to install filters on their trucks to filter out diesel fumes. By the way this will cost approx. $12,000 per vehicle. This not only places undue burdens on C.A. trucks but also any truck that would enter this great socialist state.

This Air Resources Board has effectively cut them selves off from the rest of the country, which is not necessarily a bad thing. The way California has been run (even with a RHINO like the Arnold) we should just remove one star from the flag and make it official.

The fact that California seems to not heed to the peoples will explains why this type of ruling would never have been put to a vote, namely because it would have been soundly defeated.

The reasoning for the genesis of this lousy REGULATION is to supposedly save the lives of 9,400 people between 2011 and 2025. This is from the fumes of trucks at loading docks and other places where trucks and people work together.

What will the air resources board will do if the lives they are going to save die by other means; such as, I dunno, the caffeine in the coffee that dock workers drink or the fast food they eat or diabetes that they will get by eating doughnuts or if they are killed by drunk drivers on their way home from work. More than 3,000 people a year are killed on Americas road ways, not to mention the fog in areas of California that cause millions in damage every year. Is the California Air Resources Board going to require that interstates have fog filters installed.

All of this during a time of economic hardships. And what does the “Govenator” have to say about this economic nut crusher. Yeah that what I thought also…nothing.

This state should be looked at as a warning to the rest of the nation, as to what can happen when you let the loonies run the asylum.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

I said, I will spread your wealth around!

The man is not even president and he is already showing that he is just another rich politician that going to keep what he has and to hell with the rest of you. You can do with less but do not dare ask “the man” for anything of his.

Obama has a $30 million surplus left over from his campaign but he is not about to help out his fellow democrats, which is going to leave him with a few angry pigs that were headed toward the trough.

Raymond Buckle the New Hampshire democratic party, says:

"If I was a top adviser to the president elect, I wouldn't necessarily be advocating saving those dollars,"

Well if that does not speak to the underlying spend, spend, spend philosophy of the DNC in general, then I do not know what does

"It was critically important that we not repeat what happened in '93, '94," when President Bill Clinton held the purse strings and Democrats lost 54 U.S. House seats and eight senators during midterm elections.

Raymond seems to be concerned about loosing the mid term elections by using some of B.O.’s money. Like I said, pigs to the trough.

“Obama's organization retains some $30 million after his successful presidential bid, but it's unclear how the Democratic president-in-waiting might use the money. Members of his party are doing their best to appeal for the funds without appearing greedy, ungrateful or hostile to their new leader.”

If I were B.O., I would also be wary of the same people who helped me to win the White House, because when they get their hooks into you they will bleed you dry. The only requirements for them to even approach you is:

1. That you have lots of money
2. That you were put there by them
3. That you have loads of money

But to their dismay B.O. does not really want to “spread his wealth around.” Should this really surprise anyone, you know a democrat with money, wanting to share it with anyone. They really owe the wealthy and Joe the Plumber an apology.

This is the height of hypocrisy and greed and it is coming from the DNC not the greedy look out for yourselves RNC.

Remember Republicans lost and lost big (as they should have) and now the democrats have no one to point fingers at and decry them as an example of greed and corruption.

Let the fun begin!

Link to original story.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Cutting the Cheese is going to cost you!

Apparently farting and belching farm animals is one of the greatest threats to the planet. The EPA is floating legislation that will charge per farm animal per year, to pay for the greenhouse gasses they emit on a daily basis.

To be fair to the EPA, they are not the only wack jobs to want to do this, New Zealand is also wanting to cash in on the global warming hype also. But they wanted to not only tax cattle but sheep also.

The EPA wants ranches with more than 25 dairy cows, 50 beef cattle or 200 hogs to pay an annual fee of about $175 for each dairy cow, $87.50 per head of beef and $20 per each hog. This would cost up to $30,000 to $40,000 a year for a lot of ranches and farms.

Talk about a job killer and not to mention that this would drive up the domestic meat market prices in a time when we are already paying a premium because of energy costs.

This will also allow foreign food producers to flood our markets with their meats, why, because they do not have the same Nazis telling them that they are causing global warming and they need to pay.

Another interesting twist is this, it will put our domestic production at risk during a time when we really need to have jobs here at home and not supporting some other countries workforce.

I guess the old saying if you want to eliminate something then tax it comes into play here.

It really seems to me that our own government is working against us and trying to make things worse. Fanny and Freddie were a big government debacle and the oil price spiking was because they did not want to drill because of the “environment.”

And speaking of the environment here is what P.E.T.A had to say (no not People Eating Tasty Animals, you were thinking it.)

"It makes perfect sense if you are looking for ways to cut down on meat consumption and recoup
environmental losses," said Bruce Friedrich, a spokesman in Washington for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Good grief, just to keep people from eating what they want, they are willing to destroy farm jobs and kill an economy, in the name of the environment. These people are as flakey as pie crust.

There is a problem with this whole idea of taxing farm animals, because you know it will not just stop at farm animals; how about your pets and you know how bad a how much dogs fart (those are some smelly farts, you know, the 13 year old in me is enjoying writing this.)

Next they will be taxing our breathing, why, because we exhale CO2 , a “known” green house gas!

Lets face it we have a fight ahead of us and there is a lot of education that needs to be taught.
Ignorance really is a costly commodity, lets face it, if people really knew better, then the idiots that are running the government (I did not say the country) would not be there and there would not be this tax everything in sight mentality.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Russia Wants Alaska Back!

First Georgia, now Alaska, the Russian bear is back and is very hungry…for energy!
Earlier this year we saw that Russia had invaded a small country called Georgia (no, not in the US, BO supporters.) This was supposedly to keep peace, but we won’t mention that most of the energy needs of Europe traverses through Georgia…that would be conspiracy and other stuff. Any how, Russia has recently showed its strength in the land of Chavez (Venezuela), and they are conducting “maneuvers” in Venezuela’s economic zone in the eastern Caribbean area. This is to enable sailors to practice reconnaissance, anti drug patrols, anti terrorism and search and rescue (as if the Russians really care about rescuing anyone.) Of course with the way things are Russia will have to put of a proposed pipeline in South America, for now…ahem, until they regain some economic stability and have the cash flow to do so. This pipe line is the brainchild of the brainless Chevez. Until then they will continue to sell arms to Hugo and his thugs.
Is this energy thing starting to sound familiar?
Well let me introduce you to Professor Igor Panarin, Panarin, 60, is a professor at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and has authored several books on information warfare. Now that you have a little understanding of who this person is; in an interview with Izvestia published on Monday, November 24, 2008; this is what he wants…this is going to get stupid, but it will all tie together.

"we could claim Alaska - it was only granted on lease, after all."

Yeah, on a lease, so does this mean that we have to return the land. I wonder if he realizes that we have a legal receipt for this land, aka… Seward’s Foley. Do the Russians still hold interest in this land and if so are they going to take it back some day? Well you have to admit with all of Alaska’s natural resources, such as the vast oil fields, this would be a great boost for their emerging energy markets in China, Europe and now South America. I do not think that the state of Alaska would let this happen, but if
 B.O.’s attitude toward the invasion of Georgia is a sign of things to come then Alaska, unless it secedes is in for trouble and possible loss. At least in B.O.’s mind there will only be 58 rather than 59 states. As a side note with all of the B.D.S. aka Bush Derangement Syndrome, why has no one really went after BO for thinking there was 60 US states. And they say Bush is an idiot.
BTW, here is our receipt and I do believe that it is past the time to return for a refund (not that we want one.)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Low gas prices for now!

Well congratulations America, we beat high gas prices and high oil prices by cutting back and conserving. We bit the bullet, bought smaller vehicles and in the process we are reducing greenhouse gasses. We showed the middle east and others that they can not push us Americans around and we will beat them at their own game.
Now that we are seeing below $60 a barrel oil, and under 1.90/ gallon gasoline, we are showing the world that we are not controlled by the OPECERS. We can now go back to the way things were with our building and going places to encourage commerce. In addition to that, prices for goods should come back down, mainly because the cost of getting stuff from point A to B is cheaper. As we saw after Katrina oil went up and gasoline followed the trend. Fuel was more expensive and therefore to ship anything around the country was more expensive. Those days are over, hooray for our side!
Not so fast, we have forgotten something, oh yeah the federal and state pigs. All of the times that they have told us to cut back and conserve, has come back to haunt them. Now they want to increase the tax on a gallon of gas to make up for the money they misspent…uh, I mean did not collect for repairs on roads and bridges. Yup all us good citizens did what government suggested and as you all well know, no good deed goes unpunished. Our infrastructure is “suffering” from a drop in funding, namely through the collection (or decreased collections) of fuel taxes.
“Lawmakers from both parties are eager to find a way to fund politically popular transportation projects. But one possible solution – an increase in the gas tax, which was last raised in 1993 – is considered unrealistic in an election year.”

This from an LA times article reporting about California’s budget shortfall of funds.
And here is another gem to consider reading
And a quote from a Greg Mankiw, who I know does not speak for even the smallest minority of us that have to drive on a daily basis. He is a professor from Harvard, he knows better than the rest of us.
“For a long time I have felt the price of gasoline in the United States was way too low. Pretty much all economists believe this. Greg Mankiw blogged back in October about the many reasons why we should raise gas taxes.
The reason we need high gas taxes is that there are all sorts of costs associated with my driving that I don’t pay — someone else pays them. This is what economists call a “negative externality.” Because I don’t pay the full costs of my driving, I drive too much. Ideally, the government could correct this problem through a gas tax that aligns my own private incentive to drive with the social costs of driving.”

You can read his blog here:
Well good for him, if he wants to pay more for gasoline, but try passing that one on to those who are unable to bear the brunt of 2,3 and even 4 dollar per gallon gas: you know for things like… going to work and earning a living for your family. In short he does not really understand the plight of the “proletariat” (to use the language of the Harvard elite) or those that have to work for a living. If he thinks that he drives too much……then he should, I don’t know……STOP, duh! Boy for someone who claims to be from Harvard, that boy ain’t to bright.
But are we not forgetting the main goal here, to reduce and reuse when possible. I mean that is the energy conscious mindset, right? Let me ask this Harvard man what will happen when the government increases the tax by $1 per gallon and people use other than gasoline to get around in, another new tax will be invented to keep feeding the pig. But what happens when the will of the people crosses the will of the government, the people usually get crossed out. Watch what happens to Prop.8 in California. Well enjoy paying $1.75 per gallon, because if politicians see their “fun” money dry up then they will ask you to do with less. Notice how government never cuts back, but expects you to. An old saying in government, “We have upped our standards, so up yours!”

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Hopefully the Republican Party Will Finally Wake Up!

Now that all has been said and done and we will have B.O. for four years, was there any doubt that McCain did not really want the job as president. I blame McCain, I fully believe that he did this out of spite to the Republicans and to Bush. He was so consumed with hate for the party, after he was rejected for Bush, he began the crossing over to the liberal side of the isle. If he truly was a Reagan Republican then he would have never authored McCain-Fiengold, or other pieces of legislation with his name on it. The only reason McCain received any support is because of Sara Palin. Sara Palin actually showed us what a true, stand on your principals kind of person she was. I still do not believe she bought the line that McCain was a Reagan Republican. McCains lackluster debating and his “playing nice” with the other side, was disgraceful at best. But now that him and others like him are finally defeated, we can continue the Reagan Revolution anew. If John McCain was the best of the best then we really need to rethink the party. But at least he can not do any more damage, unless he is still holding on to his Senate job. Bottom line is this we need to rid ourselves of him and others like him. Nov. 4th 2008 was definitely a referendum on the current state of the Republican party. So let’s bring on the “Change” (who knows what that is) and hold on to your wallets.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hey Democrats, Ruling is for Measurements only!

Since no one is really picking this up and running with it, I will.

October 27, 2008,
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said Monday that he’s looking forward to one party controlling all aspects of government, despite GOP charges that it would be a disastrous Nov. 4th outcome.
“Republicans ha
d a chance to rule. They failed miserably. I think it’s time to give the other party a chance,”
Dean said on MSNBC.
Republicans recently warned there would be grave consequences for the country if Democrats were in charge of both chambers of Congress and the White House. At a rally in Ohio, for instance, GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) said he would provide a balance to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who plan to increase taxes.
But Dean dismissed the argument, saying: “You cannot trust Republicans with your money. They will borrow and spend, borrow and spend, borrow and spend.”

Howard Dean has completely missed the whole concept of “We The People” and the ideal that government only exist by the consent of the governed. The statement that the Republicans had a chance to “rule” shows his complete ignorance of how America really works, and why having a ruling party is very, very bad for our liberties. By the way I do not know of republicans who would want to have a second bill of rights or one that would love to stack the court with
anti-constitutional judges who would legislate from the bench. The fact that he even said “I think it is time to give the other party a chance” really shows the pathology that has been endemic with the democrat party for a very long time. The Idea that some one has to rule also shows that the democrats are only interested in power, just for the sake of having power. This is the same party that wants to destroy this economy with “wealth redistribution” and “fairness,” yeah, the Kulacks (Russian peasant middle class) found out about redistribution and fairness in the new Soviet Russia.
The Idea that we need a ruling class is nothing more than a mad power grab, and believe me when I say this, they will stop at nothing to destroy the liberties that our Constitution and Bill of Rights grant us. Howard Dean sees the “little” people as in need of being ruled, this is where basic conservatism and Dean part ways. True Conservatism consist of the individual choice without forced external influence or hype. It consists of being responsible for your own self, so that you can also help others; lets face if you are sick you can not effectively help others heal. Our country has had many who had nothing, find a job or skill, and exploit natural talents, and turn it into opportunity and wealth. You do not find that in other countries, as a matter of fact a lot of places try to stifle creative people and destroy opportunity under the guise of “fairness” and loyalty to the “state.” Dangerous and counterrevolutionary words, I know.
But if you like the democrats having a super majority, then you did enjoy the 70’s and the Carter administration. Remember Howard Dean is the guy who did not want to play "hide the Salami."
This November vote what will be right for America and not for social expediency, and carry these same thoughts into local and state elections as well; it is the only way to root out the cancer that has manifested itself in our body of politics. 

Read between the fingers America!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Book Store Bias against McCain?

Recently I went to a new Books-A-Million (exact whereabouts not really necessary just the content of what I found) and I was just amazed at all of the books that they have for sale. So many that I felt very overwhelmed. This place would make a public library look like a small collection at a garage sale, yes it was big. They had the usual books about the candidates, I want to be fair about that, but what disturbed me was what was in the "Kids Education" section. I did search for both candidates and I only found Barack Obama and no John McCain. I also noticed a lot of Black American books also. On the surface this may not seem like a big deal or they just want to capitalize on this historic election. Then why do they not offer books on McCain or for that matter Sara Palin, she could be the first female Vice President (that too is historic, yes.) But I feel that the wave of Obama-mania may be blinding some from giving a fair and balanced diet of information. An even more recent unfair representation of information has come from The New York Times. They did a hit piece on Cindy McCain describing her as frail, weak, and a princess Dianna Wanna-bee. Apparently they were not too concerned about her feelings, but I suppose they did just as harsh a story about Michelle Obama…,oh wait…, they did not. Anyhow this is how I am seeing this race sum up; vote for the black guy or you are a racist; vote for the white guy and you are racist, and yes, we will shove the black guy down your throat. I wonder if this is what Martin Luther King was thinking when he said you should judge a man by his character and not by skin color (in case you are wondering, I am very disappointed that Condi declined to run, she would have been great.) Well you decide for yourselves, does the media seem to rally around B.O. and hate McCain or not?

Monday, October 06, 2008

Obama's hand in destruction of our economy!

Address for the defense of Freddie and Fannie

The truth about who was for and against it.

Maybe we deserve Barack Obama, maybe we derserve a good dose of what the left has in store for us. We have forgotten the lessons of Cuba, Soviet Russia, Communist China, and the UK. We really need to loose our Constitutional guarantees to see that big government is the antithesis to living free. And by free I mean not having some bureaucrat allowing or disallowing you to do something. Do you really want to give control of you life to another person, who, quite frankly, does not care if you exist or not. Freedom, true freedom, is the ability to make a choice that YOU want to make, without having to get permission to make that choice. The promise that government can make you healthy or give you a job or a house or what ever, is at best, just smoke and mirrors. They say that Capitalism is the root cause of all our problems, then why did the stock markets tank when the Bailout bill passed. Just today (10-6-08) news that the markets nosed by 550 points. I thought that the big government types were supposed to help our markets not squelch it. Oh, by the way, London and other markets are being effected also. And I still see that the ONE person who was intimately connected with the housing debacle is still running on a promise to fix the “failed Bush economic policy” (Bush warned about this in 2001, 2003.) The guy that is running against the “I created this mess, now I will fix it” B.O.(Barack Hussein Obama,) had tried to introduce legislation in 2006 but the vote was down party lines and Senator McCain’s legislation that could have deterred this current crisis was not allowed out of the Senate Banking Committee for a vote on the floor. You can guess what party was in control at that time. It really is interesting that we need to bail out Fannie & Freddie but not Enron or Worldcom. Both an energy giant and communications giant are allowed to fail and our economy is still great and we put a few folks in prison. Oh yeah that’s right, you can link President Bush to Enron, that is why you have to destroy them. But the dems have their fingerprints all over Freddie and Fannie (aka Fannie Mac) starting with A.C.O.R.N., who by the way B.O. was on their payroll and then the venerable “my boy lollipop” Barney Frank was on the defensive end of Fannie Mac and went after the Republicans that tried to “lynch” Franklin Rae (lacy Clay (D) M.O. stated this.) Fannie Mac should be treated no different than what Enron and Worldcom were treated. Our economy was starting to rebound but then the bailout happened. This is what we have had coming our way but because of the sycophants in the media you will hear nothing but great things about this whole deal, but if this would have been a Republican mess, you would not have heard the end of at least until the next president is elected and even then you could hear the echo. So are you still convinced that more and more government is better for you and your future. The more these guys try to help the worse it gets. The Constitution put limits on what power the government can have but if you cede this power to them they will take it and not give it back. This is how tyranny begins, a vacuum of power is created and then the ones with the loudest and populist voice steps in, takes the reigns and begins to legislate (notice I did not say lead) in this vacuum, and then little by little they “suck up” more responsibility until they are so integrated with every day life that you are unable to do anything with out the permission of “Big Brother.” That is the road that the radicals in the democrat party have put us on. They believe in the power to tax is the power to control and the power to control is the ultimate high. This control can also be achieved by chaos, which is to say they (the ones who want control) create a catastrophe, do some CYA and then propose a solution to the problem. I mean they would know the solution because in the formulation of the problem you need to have a good solution to present, so you do not self-destruct in the process. Create a problem and then fix it, classic if you ask me, and many a tyrant has successfully done it, just ask Hugo. More later.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Barack Created this financial mess, and we have to clean it up!

Now that we have this huge bailout bill of what is supposed to have led us to another “great depression,” we are now finding out why Enron and Worldcom were given the shaft. I find it interesting that the executives at Enron were treated with disdain and even prosecuted, whereas those who were running Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (who will be known combined as Fannie Mac) have been, rewarded and defended, even to the point of saying that it was racist to even question his (Franklin Raines) running of Fannie Mac. Franklin had even be a budget director in the Clinton Whitehouse, what a shock. Now back to my original thought about the unfair treatment of Enron and the executives. Enron had a lot of ties to Republicans and thus it was politically expedient to crucify anyone who had business ties with Republicans namely President Bush. The reason that I find this interesting is that the entire democratic party has done what they could to help Fannie Mac out and shield themselves from any fall out. Oh by the way if you try to connect Obama and others who have had their hand in the Fannie Mac cookie jar, duck and cover, you are nothing more than a smear merchant just trying to sell a book. Fact Obama worked for ACORN (they really are nuts) and trained a lot of people in how to bully the banks to loan to people who were not ready for that. Fact Barney Frank, (D), vehemently defended these lending institutions, when the President and other Republicans called for more controls on them. What I want to know is this, where is the call for the prosecutions and jailing of those who were in charge. Oh that is right, there are barely any Republican finger prints on this one (John McCain even tried to reign in these institutions but the vote was never brought up because of democrats who were in charge of the Senate.) So there will be no charges filled but we must bail them out or risk ruining the country. These JERKS are the ones who created this mess (ACORN, Franklin Raines, The democrats in Congress,) now they want to ride in on their white and black horses and save the day. Meanwhile they threaten anyone who will point out to them that they are the ones who caused this problem. If you do not believe me about the genesis of this mess, just google youtube and go to McCaines web site. Also Newsmax has the links to show the democrats that are defending and stating that there is no problem and the Republicans are just being partisan. Even Bush wanted to reign in Fannie Mac, but no, we democrats need that cookie jar untouched. Now that their hand has been caught in it WE need to BAIL them out. That is BS. This is what we have in store for us, if the very ones who create a crisis is elected (Barack Obama aka B.O.) Bottom line, he just stinks!

Friday, September 26, 2008

The truth may cost you!

The truth can never be hid but lies will always, at the least obscure the truth. This is a lesson that the owner of Eli’s Manhattan, an upper east side supermarket found out. He should really take a lesson from government. Never let the people see what you are doing, and no one will be the wiser. But Eli Zabar the owner of Eli’s, thought that bringing attention to the increasing price of doing business would upset enough people that they would act, and they are, by going somewhere else to buy their food. What the other food markets will do, is just increase the price of products that you purchase and leave it at that. Fat, Dumb, and Happy, that is what we are. As a people, we do not like having the “devil in the details” pointed out to us, that only means we have to actually think. Thinking is something that you have to actually engage in, you know turning a noun into a verb. This is especially problematic for us “Fat” ones. We have gone so long with others, just being spoon fed the “truth,” that even lies no longer taste bitter, unless, it is pointed out to us. We really need to go back to the old way of thinking and having a critical eye towards a subject. But in our society today we lack the need or the urgency to do so. We have been so brow beaten to just “go with the flow” and do not “rock the boat” that we enjoy the fact that we do not need to think. How many times have we been told “why do you have to be different,” “why can’t you be like so and so.” If we choose the path of least resistance there is a good chance we will actually do ok. But this path of least resistance is a two way street. The opposition would love to have a least resistive path to influence us and drive us the way that they want. You know, “Fat, Dumb, and Happy.” At least Eli Zabar is trying to teach others about how a rise in fuel costs WILL affect your buying, but he is a small fish in a large ocean of ignorance and blissful thinking. I wish him the best, but knowing people he will come out looking bad.
Below is the story that started this whole thing.

Upscale NYC Market Charges 'Energy Surcharge'
Owner Of 'Eli's Manhattan': 1.8 Percent Fee Put In Place To Educate Customers To Struggles Of Food Industry
Shoppers Tell CBS 2 HD Move Is Just Another Slap In The Face
NEW YORK (CBS) ― The cost of everything seems to be going up lately, making tough times even tougher. Now a supermarket on the Upper East Side is passing an energy surcharge onto customers.
And as CBS 2 HD quickly found out, many shoppers are outraged.
At "Eli's Manhattan" customers are warned with big signs at the checkout counter.
A 1.8 percent surcharge -- for rising energy and fuel costs -- will be added to their grocery bill.
Shoppers at the upscale supermarket are used to paying more for groceries, but they aren't happy about the added charge.
"I'm really angry about that," one person said. "I won't come back."
"They're a giant rip-off," added another.
"I think it's outrageous," came another reaction. "The prices here are already high, so it doesn't seem fair."
It's a bad business move according to workplace guru Stephen Viscusi, author of "Bulletproof Your Job."
"It's really not necessary to be charging people extra right now and to be pointing it out to customers," Viscusi said. "At some point consumers feel plain ripped off."
But the owner said he wanted to cause controversy with the 1.8 percent surcharge. Instead of burying the cost in the price of groceries, he's pointing it out to get customers thinking and talking.

"To call the public's attention to how much fuel is being used in the food business," owner Eli Zabar said. "In this case, I am making the increase completely transparent to the customer."

Zabar thought the surcharge would make people angry about the rising cost of energy. Instead, they're getting angry at him, forcing him to consider scrapping the surcharge altogether.

"If the shock and awe is too great then what we're gonna do is hide it in the cost of goods itself," Zabar said.

However, Zabar said no matter how you do the math the cost of everything is going up.

If Zabar does decide to scrap the surcharge he said he will not immediately raise the price of food to make up for the lost revenue.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tax The Hand That Feeds You!

Just when you thought the Dems could not really tell you who they were (liberal socialist wanna-bees), the American public is handed a beautiful gift. For many years the Democrat party has steered away from the "we will raise your taxes" mantra for fear of not being elected. I mean in the past they found out what happens to their candidate if they come out for bigger government and more taxes. So what makes this election cycle so different? For one thing the Dems are not listening to the constitutes that they claim to represent. So who are they listening to? I really do not need to point out a lot of peoples names except Barack Husain Obama. From the reading that I have done and the people that he (yes, he is lowercase, because he is not the messiah, sorry to disapoint) has associated with. Namely a lot of people in Chicago who believe in the redistribution of wealth and those who frown on private ownership of property. The fact that he has insulated himself with these anti-capitalist should tell you what kind of administration that he will have. Obama was raised with silver spoon in his mouth, he went to the best schools and has had a great life, that, others would just love to have. So why do they want to take money from the wealthy and give it to the middle class? As Biden has stated earlier, to be a real patriot you must give up more of what you have. I am sure that is what comrad Stalin told his countrymen. The kulacks (well off or middle class of peasants) were told that they must give up their farms and collectvise for the good of the others around them. Those who did not were called unpatriotic and greedy, I really do not need to tell you what happened to those who refused to give their "fair share." Biden said that it is time for them to step up and help America get out of the rut. The fact is Obama thinks that being a socialist is a popular thing, that is what the crowd that he runs with thinks.
Now lets use a little common sense about those that need to step up and start paying. How many wealthy people do you know who are willing to just give all of their gain away. How many rich people do you know, will just allow someone to take it all away from them. You don't or they would be called the poor! Now I want you to really be honest about the answer that you give to this next question. How many of the poor and middle class, work for the poor and middle class? If you answered none then you are being truthful to yourself and you have a basic grasp of economics.
Let us start with taxing the wealthy. What does the wealthy do, when they are not making money? They consume just like the rest of us, only they buy a much bigger version of the stuff that we use. We by a fishing boat, they buy a yacht, we buy steak and potatoes, they buy fillet mingon, we buy a chevy, they buy a mercedes, you get the picture. All of this may strike you as a we have nicer stuff and you don't moment, but stop and think how they acquire the finer things in life. They have to buy these things just like you and me but with one exception, they do not have to create the finer things, they buy it. Now you need to ask yourself who makes these finer things for them to buy, we do! Yes the so called "rich" who need to be "patriotic" are paying you and me for these goods and services that some politician seems to think just grows on a magic finer things in life tree. Now back to the first question who hires us the wealthy or poor. Apparently  it is the wealthy and not the homeless bunch down in a van by the river (thanks Chris Farley.) Thanks goes to those who can afford the better stuff, because we make it and need them to buy it, so we can justify our showing up at work to make the stuff. There is a whole lot of emphasis on the stuff we make so that the "rich" can buy it. If the wealthy just stoped buying the stuff we make then we cannot justify our pay and we will be out of a job. Now how does taxing the crap out of the rich benefit us when it hurts us. I saw some but clown of a senator (D) who seems to think that our economy is a pie that does not expand or contract, that this is a zero sum game. You know where if I get a buck more than before, then some one else had to loose that buck. Well if you look at our economy that way then you are looking at it from a socializing stand point. Socialist want you to believe that because some one gets rich you get poor, it just doesn't work that way. You too can get rich because the wealthy are sharing their money with us by buying our stuff. This includes factory made goods right down to the organically grown tomatoes at the local farmers market.
Now let us talk about making the rich pay. Let's say we hit them with a 40 or even 45% tax on every dollar that the rich take away from some poor struggling family. Now the wealthy have way less money to buy a yacht or parts for it, you, as boat builder are seeing less and less rich cliental come to see your boats, that you have painfully and skillfully crafted. You also notice that parts are starting to pile up in your warehouse, this is not good you think to yourself. Now the year goes on and fewer and fewer people visit your boat shop and you do not carry the inexpensive dinghies for the poor (not enough money in building them.) You are faced with a delima, keep your doors open or go into bankruptcy and become impoverished. Another thought comes into mind, let some of your labor, the poor people who help you build the boats for the "rich", go in order to cut your operating expenses and keep the doors open and hopefully ride out this "economic downturn."
Now the layoffs start and guess what, you, the working poor are now out of a job, and all because you bought into the lie of socking it to the rich will help you. All you have really done is elected a jackass (D) of a politician into office who says he will sock it to the rich wile taking money under the table from a rich lobyist. And you are still left with out a job, because you let some one convince you that it would be better.
Bottom lines seems to be damn the torpedoes truth and full speed ahead. What you do not see are the ICE BERGS OF REALITY!
Yes, this trickle down is a reality and not voodoo, in other words when the masters are finished with their meals they do give the scraps to the dogs, if not then the dogs would let the foxes raid the hen house. 
Enough said for now, I will let you chew on it for a while.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sara Palin-mother and politician

After all the hoopla about Sara Palin having a 4 month old downs syndrome baby and her daughter about to be a new mom; we are hearing from the left that she really needs to stop and rethink this whole VP thing. For one her newborn is a special needs child and will require a lot of attention; two her daughter will need her when she gives birth to her first child and three this will place a lot of stress on her family. They are trying to get the message of " we do not want your family to be hurt, we are giving you this advise for your own good." I know most of you are smart enough look right through this BS and see the truth of what they are saying. The fact is that for many decades feminism has fought hard for the inclusion of women in every facet of our society. They want that "glass ceiling" busted up and the mens only club to be the mens and womens only club. Look at Nancy Pellosi, the first female speaker of the house, she has a lot of children and grandchildren, Hillary Clinton, she has a kiddo also, but that did not stop these women from following their dreams. What makes Sara Palin (R) Alaska so different…oh, wait she is a republican. Just like blacks are just as qualified to what ever they want except if they are a republican wanting to be a Supreme Court Justice. This is from the same party that claims that they were responsible for the 1964 civil rights act (Al Gore's father voted no BTW) and claim to uphold the working woman's right to achieve whatever she wants…unless it is to be a republican. Are you starting to see a pattern here? The things that are being said about Sara Palin would never have been said about Pellosi or Clinton. Also I noticed that not one word about Sara's husband watching the children and helping with the special needs of their newborn. Like all responsible fathers, he will be there, come hell or high water! As for their daughter her soon to be husband will be there to take a responsible role and help her as they build a family. He really does not need the Mother-in-law to be there at every step (I know that is a recipe for failure.) But whatever they decide to throw at her will only go to strengthen her resolve and continue to just cement her positions that much more. Tonight she gave us a glimpse of what we are to expect from her as the next VP and I do not believe that she will quietly sit on the sidelines and allow John McCain to do all the heavy lifting. Well boys, girl power is about to come of age…Palin Power!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


The only reason that I put this up here is because of the things that this man is pushing. He encourages people to just give to the "community" and not to chase after wealth. He was raised to believe that "white folks greed runs a world in need" and other class envy type of Bolshevism. I am to assume, that me and others would be considered the better off peasants or the kulaks. And to effectively integrate all of society, I will need to be done away with. Yes if you follow him you will be losing your identity and ultimately your individualism, and will be serving for the advancement of his ego.
Just because the Soviets went the way of the Dodo, does not mean that statism is dead.
Long live the proletariat.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

If You Can't Beat-em…Join-em

This should not really come as a shocker to anyone who should read this, but border patrol agents that are on the take. Yes, US border patrol agents are receiving bribes to help smuggle people and drugs through the border. According to Reuters, Drug smugglers are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to border patrol agents to help them. This is way more than what a border patrol agent makes in a year. Lets face it, after the two border patrol agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, were sent to do hard time in prison (lets face it those two are still lucky to be alive), what kind of message do they think was sent to the rest of the agents. If you do your job and stop illegal immigrants, then there is good chance you will have the rest of your life ruined! But stop and wait a minute, you can "pretend" to be a border agent, look the other way, stay out of jail, and make millions in the process. Thanks to President Bush a dangerous precedence has been established. To be honest, fifteen thousand dollars is WAY BETTER THAN FIFTEEN YEARS! I am not saying that I would do it…but …you know…times being what they are…and if doing my job could land me in prison… you do the math! Until our government stops pandering to every special interest in this country, you will see an increase in corruption. Just a decade ago the FBI Border Corruption Task Force, only had a few dozen cases a year, now they are busier than ever. You know They say character does not matter in a leader (they claimed that with former impeached but not removed president Clinton) but if President Bush would have sided with those who were doing their job rather than trying to please Mexico City; then we would not have as much corruption as we do today. Congress could do with growing a pair also; and with catering to the so called "latino" vote, they are afraid of not getting re-elected. Maybe that is what we need. Unfortunately the wants of a few do out weigh the needs of an entire nation. As an end note, this corruption does not stop at the border patrol, it goes up the chain and even includes an L.A. Attorney for ICE; and transport contractors that return illegals to the border. This all flies in the face of Mexican President Felipe Calderon's campaign against drug lords, who, are fighting him for control of northern Mexico.
Bottom line, there is a lot more to illegal immigration than just picking vegetables for  cheaper market prices.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

So is it blacks or is "African American?"

"I was in a conversation with a fellow guest at Fox on Sunday. He Asked about Barack's speeches lately at the black churches. I said it can come off as speaking down to black people." Weds July 9, Reuters reporting on Jesse Jackson talking about Obama.

I am in a quandary, just when I thought this election cycle could not get on my nerves, Jess Jackson opens his bigoted mouth. I just have one question, you know, being a "white boy", I need to know how come he does not refer to blacks as "African Americans." I have had "Afro" this and "Afro" that pounded into my head. I have even been told by an "African American", aka the black man, while wearing a leather African medallion; that I would stand before the black judgment throne and answer for my crimes of being white. The Jesse "high priest" Jackson has recently attacked Barack Hussain Obama for "talking down to black folks" and at " black churches." I will give you time to think about what the Jesse high priest Jackson said. All right times up. Class what is it that came out of the race baiting white hating bigot. Sorry little Johny it was not African American or African American Churches. Go to the back of the class you brain washed idiot. All the rest of you who could separate a race baiting genius from ordinary black Americans or "folks" you get a gold star. On one hand I can understand a race pimp pushing his own, especially towards others who are not of his exalted race; he should do what he does. What I find embroiling is the fact that he would exempt himself from his own edict's and imposed sacraments. This high priest (Rev. in name only) has the audacity to not refer to blacks as African Americans (which is what we "whites" have been "told" to do) but as "black folks." I have been given ugly looks when I use the term black to…describe… a black person. I almost feel that I should say African American just to keep from feeling that I have done something wrong. For this man to even just say "black church" and "black people" is just plain blasphemous, and has violated his own sacred commandments. Now you have to understand why I am upset, you know, being a "white boy" that I have never  been referred to as a "European American." But this begs the question, when do you stop being a hyphenated American and become just an American? 
Once again I digress, there is no money to be made if there are not different classes of people to exploit. By this I mean if "African Americans" become just Americans, just like white Americans. Jesse would stand to loose all that he has or be forced to get a real job!
Just as a side note, the US is, I believe, the only place that hyphenates so many people, one people my behind!
As always I will be just a white boy (with Cherokee ancestry) and never anything special. Oh wait… I am very special… I AM AN AMERICAN!

Note: The person who wrote this story for Reuters, went out of their way to be P.C.
"Jackson, talking to CNN on Wednesday, said Obama has given what amounts to 'lectures' at African-American churches"

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cartoon Network Leads McCain, Obama by 34 points

As I observe this election cycle with Barack Hussein Obama II (if that hacks off McCain then that is my right to say it [for now]) with his hope and near messianic picture that many are trying to paint him with. And McCain telling us to play nice and just shut up about the Obama candidacy, really makes one wonder if he really is in it to win it. Well despite the myrmidons (aka cool-aid drinkers) and how this has become very trite and bromidic, I am slowly catching up on my Tom & Jerry and Chowder episodes. Yeah, those guys are offering a version of the sweet release that only death in its cold callousness could offer. Allowing myself to be browbeat for being white on one side and being a conservative on the other (and yes apparently I am also a neocon [that would be an anti socialist]) and being an embarrassment to the very party that claims to have a big tent for all. I liked it when the good guys had the white hats and the bad guys wore black hats. This is not the case for this election. Both candidates have the same vision for America, the theory of global warming, taxes and the belief that a democrat should be the next president. Chowder an aspiring cook who is working for Mungs, has his misguided adventures in a chaotic kitchen that does not lack in originality or imagination. This cat creature is in a world that is so topsy–tervey that real life just fades away and your mind is lulled into a new reality (I too, reject reality and substitute with a version of my own) where there is an endless possibility to cooking. Tom and Jerry is just a good old reality check, mindless, mallet pounding, dog chases cat, cat chases mouse and the mouse gets the cheese in the end. In other words you know what to expect and you are not offended by the outcome, although they have scrubbed some of the language and scenes from Tom & Jerry (they could not leave well enough alone [if it ain’t broke fix it] mentality.) I just once would like to see people get what they want…, now that will be a wake up call and a hang over at the same time. Living vicariously through my idols, I have secured a piece of sanity for my beleaguered conscious and my neoconic tendencies. I hope all turns out ok, but, as the old adage goes, it is not over until the fat lady sings, as will be the case in November 08.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

John McCain wants his freedom of speech protected!

This week during a speech in Colorado John McCain (R-INO) was heckled by anti war protesters. Now this is in ht evain of the freedom of speech and in the tradition of those who have given their voice in opposition. This is not what really caught my attention, what he said in response to the heckling was just laughable. Read what he said and then contrast and compare to his McCain Feingold bill.

SEN. McCain: "You know, it's not too important, but I have town hall meetings all the time -- I'll be having one tomorrow -- where people are allowed to come and state their views and we exchange them. And the one thing we don't do is interfere with others people's right to free speech. (Applause.) But that doesn't seem to be the case with these -- with these people."
Below is the link to the entire transcript and video if you care to see for yourself.

And the one thing we don't do is interfere with other peoples right to free speech.

Now that you have had time to digest this and laugh yourself silly or become very angry, ask you self one question. Does this clown really care about freedom of speech or does he want to squelch opposition. He really does not understand that the 1st Amendment applies to all and not to just those that agree with him. You know for someone who takes on the label of Reagan Conservative, really did not understand what Reagan really did. Reagan went to the people direclty and allowed discussions on ideas, ideas about less government, not more. We do not need a government that is going to tell us what we can and cannot say. Unfortunately  that is what we are headed for with John McCain as Big Brother. Oh by the way in case you think that I support the Demoncrats, keep in mind that they want the fairness act, aka the "Hush Rush" bill, passed to shut up opposition toward them. Do we not have the right to assemble and peaceably redress our grievences toward government? I cannot believe that I am saying this, but I support the antiwar activist to do just that. Now incase you are where these documents can be found (The Constitution & the Declaration of Independence) you can find them at Wikipedia
Heritage will even send you a free copy in a neat little booklet format, very handy to carry around to read. Why we even have some one like this even running for th eGOP is way beyond me and can we even trust him once his in office to do what is right. Lets recap shall we. McCain Fiengold, McCain Kennedy, & McCain Lieberman, he also stated that he will reach across party lines to do what is necessary.
May 15, 2008 Los Angeles. Sen. McCain said thursday that if elected, his presendency would see Al-Qaida defeated in Iraq and on the run in Afghanistan, an adminstration with Democrats and Republicans serving side-by-side and regular meetings with the press.

If you want to send a message to the GOP, then do not vote for McCain this year but vote for the local and state candidates that you know will not be disloyal to the CONTITUTION!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Save the planet! Collect more money!

I am going to make this very easy for those of you who think that this “we have to stop global warming” is more for the future of the earth, rather than a way to just raise revenue. Just read this story below and you will see how bad off that the nut jobs in near broke California really are.

Pollution board considers global warming fees
By Denis Cuff/MediaNews Group
Article Launched: 05/19/2008 06:54:33 AM PDT
Environmentalists and regulators say the Bay Area's air pollution district is taking an important first step toward saving the Earth by proposing to charge businesses for global warming gases they emit.
Oil refineries say the agency is threatening to set a bad precedent that could lead to a patchwork of local fees and rules that could disrupt state efforts against global climate change. Those conflicting views move to center stage Wednesday when the Bay Area's air pollution board considers what is thought to be the nation's first pollution fee aimed expressly at global-warming gases from oil refineries, power plants, factories, gas stations, bakeries and other businesses.
The annual fee - up to $190,000 for a large oil refinery such as Valero in Benicia, $85 for a large bakery, and $1 for a service station - would pay for district efforts to estimate and study sources of global warming gases, and consider ways to reduce them. The biggest fees would be imposed on the biggest emitters of carbon dioxide, a global warming gas from fossil fuel combustion.
"I think the best place to institute strong policy is at the federal level, but we do not have leadership from the Bush administration on global warming," said John Gioia, a member of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District board.
An industry trade group representing five oil refineries in the region contends that the local intervention could confuse and disrupt the California Air Resources Board's efforts to Advertisement Avery Greene Motors carry out an historic 2006 state law to reduce global warming gases by 25 percent by 2020. "We're committed to working with the state on a thoughtful program to address climate change," said Tupper Hall, spokesman for the Western States Petroleum Association. "What's troubling is if (the Bay Area proposal) leads to a patchwork of local programs with their own fees and goals. It's very hard for the state to meet its goals, and this could make it more difficult." The petroleum association questions whether the Bay Area pollution board - 22 county supervisors and members of city councils - has clear authority to raise the fees. Hall also said the group worries that any new fee imposed on gasoline refineries could lead to higher prices for gasoline, already near $4 a gallon. The five refineries in the trade association include Chevron in Richmond, Shell in Martinez, Tesoro between Martinez and north Concord, Conoco-Phillips in Rodeo, and Valero in Benicia. Jack Broadbent, the air district's chief executive officer, said oil refiners would pay the largest share of the proposed fees because they are the largest carbon dioxide emitters. The district would collect $1.1 million in greenhouse gas fees annually from 2,500 Bay Area businesses that already have district permits and pay fees for emissions of other pollutants, such as smog-forming reactive gases. Nearly two-thirds of the businesses would pay less than $1 per year, according to a district report. About 850 would pay $1 or more. Five oil refineries and the two power plants in Antioch and Pittsburg each would pay in excess of $50,000 because of their large carbon dioxide emissions from burning fuel.
"The fees are very modest," Broadbent said. "Tackling climate change is a big challenge. We need the combined efforts of federal, state and local agencies."

Now you will have to ask yourselves the question “what is this going to cost me”, and by that I mean you the consumer. I can guarantee you that these businesses are not going to dig deep into their pockets and pay these fees, you know our of the kindness of their heart. These fees that will be assessed to them will be passed onto you in the form of increased prices, for example, increase gasoline prices, increased utility bills to cover the cost of electricity to your home. We are so stupid if we think that we will never see an increase in the cost of business if this goes into effect. Did you not also see the part that stated that the money collected will go to research that “would pay for district efforts to estimate and study sources of global warming gases, and consider ways to reduce them.” This is code for there are some people who need some money to waste so that they can make themselves important. The only “gases” that we should worry about, are those coming from the politicians and others that are proposing this waste of other peoples money.
I am still waiting for the day when they will start charging everybody for the CO2 that we exhale as a NATURAL process of life. You know someone has thought about it and actually considered it!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Barack Obama and his Manifest Destiny

So class, who can tell me how many states are in the US. Yes little Danny how many states are there? Little Danny replies “50”, still cannot spell potato but at least he knew how many states he was the VP over. But people still rib him on this one since June 15th 1992. Now we have a Harvard (say Harvard with a snooty better than you voice) educated Illinois senator, who, by the way, is not running for the VP position, but he wants to be the President “of these 60 United States!” Maybe when he wanted to bomb our allies in the Middle east, he wanted to bring them into the Union? Maybe this will be his Manifest Destiny.
I do not want bring up how the media has creamed Dan Quayle with what he said, but they have and have you heard any one (besides the conservative talk shows) get out and make fun of this guy. No, you have not and you will not either, why, because he is the black guy (for the politically correct, that is african American.) Well if this messiah is one of the best that the Democrats have to offer, then this will be a great election year! Oh, by the way if you are from Alaska or Hawaii then you will not be graced by his holiness, because his campaigners do not count you worthy enough to view him.
May 9th 2008 Beaverton, Oregon
"It is wonderful to be back in Oregon," Obama said. "Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it."

By the way, Alaska and Hawaii would constitute “two” states left to visit.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tax Tips That Work!

Its April 15, 2008 in other words the real April Fools Day! I hope that you have all of your pertinent forms and other IRS regulated stuff filled out ready to send in, of course with that tax check that you owe the IRS. To those of you who think that you are getting a refund, your not! What has really happened is the government took too much from you to begin with. Now think about that, they took too much, this left you with a lot less for you and your family. Imagine what would happen if you were to keep all of your check or at the very least, for now, 95% or better of your check. What would that do for your and this Nations economy? For one you would be able to afford Health Care, much needed food, clothing, or a washer and dryer, or you could even afford to buy or rent a better place to live. Just imagine the power that you would have over your own lives if the government were to say “hey keep more of what you make”, this my friends is the true meaning of freedom… or self determination! I believe that there has to be a way to provide for our general welfare and defense, I just disagree with sucking the life blood out of those who work and those who provide jobs. What happens when you are not sending most of YOUR EARNINGS to the government, you spend it on things that you need and on some things that you want. What does this spending do… it generates sales taxes and other taxes that are attached to the sale of an item. This way you elect how YOU want to be taxed and not the government telling you how to be taxed. To all of you who hate the rich, and you know who you are, because you too would love to be rich. This would affect all the people in our country including the RICH! Yes the rich would get richer but so would the poor minimum wage worker, who by the way is allowed, yes I said allowed, to keep more of their paycheck. And now that people have more money to spend they will want to buy more stuff and that means the rich company owner needs to keep up with the demand for goods and they need more help to build the products that are being ordered at an increasing pace. All of this would create sales tax revenue unlike anything else. Money would be flowing into the US Treasury and the politicians would have a big pot of money to use for the budget. I know Bush 41 (the first George Bush) called this “voodoo economics” but it worked, check the income to the treasury during the tax cuts of Ronald Reagan, it shows that when people were allowed to keep more of what they earned they would spend and in return the treasury got fat with sales taxes. So this is just something to chew on while you agonize about the IRS and the payment agreement that you have to set up with them. Happy April 15th, uh I mean fools day!
You should really ask yourself why does the IRS logo have the scales of justice and an olive branch in it, just curious.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Barack Obama The Stereotypical white guy!

David Duke, Robert "sheets" Byrd (D VA) and many other notorious politicians are owed an explanation or an apology. After Barack gave his rousing throw grandma under the bus speech, he should just go ahead and buy his membership in Robert "KKK" Byrd's organization or that of the equally hateful group the New Black Panthers. He is both black and white. This must cause some conflict in him but because it is easier to pick on the whites as opposed to the blacks (as Bill Cosby found out) he now has told us that he has upped his standards and you should "up yours." Just food for thought in case you still were unsure about him.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

As the Supreme Court contmeplates gun control.

Is gun control really racist?
By Jason Hall
First of all, I believe that guns have never harmed or killed a single individual. Having said that, I believe that it is the Nimrods who have misused this great tool to do harm and hurt others. A gun is no more dangerous than a very sharp butcher knife (which, by the way, does not make a sound when used), a metal baseball bat or any other items that can be used in the commission of a crime.
Guns are a tool and have been around for a very long time. Gunpowder was put into reinforced bamboo and ignited with a projectile inside; this was an ancient Chinese secret up to about the 16th century. Guns were a way of making the weak strong and able to protect themselves. Guns provided food, kept the wolves away from our cattle and helped us start a country. My point is that guns are a tool and not a problem. This brings me to the premise of this article.
Do gun control laws have a root in racism?
Now on to how all of this started.
Racist arms laws predate the establishment of the United States. Starting in
1751, the French Black Code required Louisiana colonists to stop any blacks,
and if necessary, beat "any black carrying any potential weapon, such as a
cane (you knew the French were involved some how). The Haitian Revolution in the 1790’s really upset the French folks in the Louisiana territory. They enacted laws that prohibited slaves and free blacks from owning a firearm or any other weapon at that time. For the slaves, a weapon would have been a TOOL used to gain their freedom, forcefully or otherwise. The free blacks needed weapons to provide for their families in the frontier and to protect themselves from animals and stupid people (don’t we all). The stupid people that I refer to, were the folks who would kidnap freed slaves and sell them back into slavery (it was difficult for the KKK to instill fear into the populace, with the populace returning fire). Even Native American Indians were not immune from the laws. Between 1630 and 1640 (not sure of exact date) Connecticut passed laws that only “friendly Indians” should be allowed to have firearms. Indeed only the friendlies. This thinking spilled over into the slave owning states in later year. Because of the threat of slave uprisings, these states enacted laws prohibiting blacks both free and slave from owning any weapons, including dogs. The whites thought that the free blacks and slaves would turn these dogs on them as a weapon. In Maryland, unlicensed dogs owned by free blacks were to be killed. Mississippi went one further and outlawed dog ownership by blacks altogether. Talk about harsh; I love my dogs more than I do my guns. On the other hand, a gun will not lick its butt and then your face. To prevent free blacks from moving to Savannah from other parts of Georgia, they decided to tax each person of color $100 per year. All because the establishment was afraid of freed blacks. This would explain why there were more free blacks that fought for the North as opposed to the number (which was small in comparison) of those who fought in the South.
There were still more laws enacted against blacks in America after the Civil War. Black Americans were prohibited from carrying firearms or bowie knives without a license. Although laws for both white and blacks were passed they were unequally enforced (guess who paid for that). Here is one blaring example of this unequal application of the law in the 20th century. Florida Supreme Court
Justice Buford's concurring opinion in Watson v. Stone (1941), in which a
conviction for carrying a handgun without a permit was overturned, because
the handgun was in the glove compartment of a car:
I know something of the history of this legislation. The original Act
of 1893 was passed when there was a great influx of negro laborers in
this State drawn here for the purpose of working in turpentine and
lumber camps. The same condition existed when the Act was amended in
1901 and the Act was passed for the purpose of disarming the negro
laborers and to thereby reduce the unlawful homicides that were
prevalent in turpentine and saw-mill camps and to give the white
citizens in sparsely settled areas a better feeling of security. The
statute was never intended to be applied to the white population and in
practice has never been so applied.
Condoleezza Rice opposes gun control and even gun registration because Bull Connor Birmingham police commissioner could have used it to disarm her father and others in 1963 as they protected themselves from the segregationists during the marches and protests. The Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing killed a classmate of Condoleezza Rice, who at the time was only 9 years old. If anyone understands that human dignity needs to be defended even with the barrel of a gun it would be Dr. Rice.
There are other instances in which the white population was to be protected from the people of color having firearms. I am convinced that the best way to control a population is to take away their ability to stop a group of people from controlling them. A gun is a tool that has stopped a lot of violence from occurring to innocent people of all races. Guns truly are colorblind and equal. To empower people is giving them the ability to control their own destiny. Think of this article what you will but the bottom line is there will always be someone out to control another and with out the proper tools to defend your freedom with you will be enslaved. As an end note the dreaded NRA is opposed to gun control and registration also. Makes you think does it not.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Ralph Nader is Unsafe In Any Election!

2/28/08 at George Washington University Washington DC
Ralph (unsafe in any election) Nader (I) Presidential Candidate.
Excerpts from his speech at this institute for higher learning (I think we all know who was high here.)
Corporations need to be held accountable to law enforcement actions for greed and waste and the corporations are supposed to be our servants and not our masters. We need to amend the constitution to make them work for us. They cook up deals with dictators around the world for mining rights and other such agreements. What about the all mighty government and the deals that we have made with dictatorships in the name of alliances to fight wars or to secure our national interests, how about that. The trust and faith that Nader is willing to put into our government is a little too blind unless of course he is the head of that government. He went on to pontificate that we the people own the lands and we own the technologies, not the corporations. The government through our tax dollars gave the research “freely” to the corporations and now they charge us the “people” money to stop and treat diseases, that the government gave them the research to begin with “freely.” That is like Al (messiah) Gore taking credit for the internet. Yes the government does pour money into research that helps to better our lives but it does not create the things that we need to have in order to live. The only thing that government creates is a lot of red tape and more government. Government this and government that, it is this, the benevolent government idea, that has created the great Socialist and Communist states that have ever existed, oh wait, those governments abused power, stifled creativity, killed innovation (and people) because some bureaucrat did not like an idea or wanted it for themselves.
Micromanagement does not a good government make. For example, do you not like having independent thought at work, the freedom to make decisions on your own that will actually help a company or do you want to have some idea stealing hack (who takes credit for others work) looking over every decision you make and critiquing all. This form of intrusion is not only uncalled for but against the very nature of the innovative spirit of this country’s very founding. The Founding Fathers or The Framers (in new speak, thanks Orwell) were tired of being regulated from afar and not being allowed to think for themselves. The King and select bunch of crown cronies were into anything with regulations and tax happy. They were more worried about how something might affect the King (including speech Mr. McCain) rather than creating a good government that works for the people.
Ultimately the government is the source of all good in the known universe to Mr. Nader. And when our Representative form of government fails, we need to implement a direct democracy. This is what we would call “mob rule” of course this mob would not include you and me but rather those that we would choose to “represent” us the people in the “people’s house”, you can see where this is going, right? We will replace One form of government abusing bureaucrat with another but call it “direct democracy” representing the “will of the peoples”, I am sure when China “liberated” Tibet they told them the same thing. We have to keep in mind that this government only exists because we say so. That is what is so unique about it. But we can also give our government all the power if we so choose. But remember when that happens there is no going back, they will stop you, with force if necessary!
Now here is something else that Ralph claims, the Democrats and Republicans do not have health care for all on the table (does he not watch the Democrat debates.) I understand the thought about the Republican party, but the Democrats, I dunno, maybe I missed something or is he getting his news from…MARS! Hey Ralph, you should really lay off the BONG WATER. At least this explains the hair cut that he has been sporting lately.
Here is a really good bit of wise and well thought out wisdom from the Ralph Meister. Students are the ones who are disenfranchised by voter registration (those who are from out of state I am assuming) and the voting age should be lowered to 16 because “ if you can drive and work then why not vote?” I know I really trust a 16 year old behind the wheel of vehicle let alone our government. Hey why not lower the age to run for senate to 16 or the president to 16. We all know at 16 you are not prone to influence from others and can definitely think on your own with out any bias at all. And this is why I maintain Ralph Nader is “Unsafe in any Election.” Just thought you should know!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Barack Obama enslaving the working poor!

One of the points that I have been making for years is that raising the minimum wage is just a vote buying gimmick; and a way to enslave a large population of unskilled workers to the plantation of government welfare.
Economists and at least one president have for years stated that raising the minimum wage was not a way to help the poor out of poverty.

The Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on 2/15/06 during his first semi annual report to Congress stated. "I think it (a higher minimum wage) does lower employment," Bernanke told lawmakers. "However, I note that the literature is very controversial on this subject. "One might consider alternative ways of helping working-class Americans -- for example, the earned income tax credit which delivers money to working families without necessarily affecting the employment."
“Raising the minimum wage is the wrong way to raise the incomes of low-wage earners." President Clinton, as quoted in Michael Kramer, "Minimum Wage, Minimum Sense," Time, Feb. 6, 1995. Still does not explain why he raised it anyway, oh yeah, that’s right were talking about Billy boy.

Does the old saying “a rising tide lifts all boats” come to mind, and with NAFTA who in this country (the manufacturers) is going to continue paying the increased wages and sell cheaply priced goods; while having the understanding that the rest of the world especially China, can do it for so much less. Again thanks to NAFTA, these increases are going to create a “wage bubble” and then POP! We will reach a point where there will be very few jobs mainly because the cost of doing business in the US is too expensive. Are we going to become a nation of consumers and not producers; oh wait, we will not be able to afford anything because we have priced our selves out of our jobs! Now that you are out of a job, you need a place to stay, food to eat and help for your family. Guess what, the government will step in and in the name of compassion will help you meet your needs (say hello to a socialist society) and punish those eeevvviiiillll corporations for firing you. But back to our aphorism, all boats will be lifted, and I do mean all boats this includes, the USS cost of living and the USS price of goods. What business is going to just eat the cost of increasing wages and not pass that cost on to you, the consumer in the price of the goods? If they do just eat it, then they will eventually go out of business or they will start “downsizing” workers. Forget about getting a job especially if you are not skilled and say goodbye to entry level work. Again NAFTA will offer a way out of the increased minimum wages by shifting production to poorer countries where labor is really, really cheap.

Excerpted from Barack Hussein Obama book Keeping Americas Promise! Ensuring Living Wages and Improving Working Conditions Raise the Minimum Wage: Even though the minimum wage will rise to $7.25 an hour by 2009, the minimum wage’s real purchasing power will still be below what it was in 1968. Obama will further raise the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour by 2011, index it to inflation and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit to make sure that full-time workers can earn a living wage that allows them to raise their families and pay for basic needs such as food, transportation, and housing – things so many people take for granted.

This guy and others like him (both republicans and democrats or just REPUBLICRATS) are going to create a third world atmosphere and economic condition if we do not stand up and say NO (unless McCaine completely destroys the rest of the 1st amendment.)
You know we could spread this misery evenly for other countries and just annex all of Mexico and Latin America, just a thought.
Now to those of you who are just salivating to run me down as some one who does not care about the “working poor” (there is an oxymoron) and I am some kind of heartless wealthy man, well I am not. In the same vain I would say that you care even less for the “working poor” because you would let politicians destroy our working base and send more jobs out of the country. You are a bunch of heartless hacks take that!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

DNA Databases, Jails, and the threat to our Constitution.

Below is the link to the original story.

In the UK they have a national DNA database that helps to match convicted criminals to a crime scene. This helps increase the efficiency of the police and it brings justice to those who truly are guilty… or does it? There is no denying DNA evidence it is very conclusive (less than1 in a billion match.) But what if your DNA was entered into this database and you were not even convicted of a crime, or worse yet they just want you on record, you know, just in case you do decided to do something.

In September 2007, Lord Justice Sedley - one of England's most experienced appeal court judges - called for the register to be made universal.
He condemned the existing system as "indefensible", said it was biased against ethnic minorities, and it would be fairer to include everyone, guilty or innocent.

Yes in the interest of fairness (let see him impose that standard to UK muslims) he is willing to trash the civil rights, dare I say, the privacy of every citizen (probably not himself of course) in the UK. This whole thinking of fairness leads us down the primrose path of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS and the fact that cops are getting way to LAZY! They want it all to be handed to them.
But what of innocent until proven guilty or should I say guilty until proven innocent (that is what it will come to.) But in the US we enjoy the protections of the Constitution namely the 4th and 5th amendments in criminal court. But at the rate that our politician are going (McCain-Feingold) we will soon see our Constitutional rights being eroded away just so things will be “fairer and easier” for those who are in control. And do not kid yourselves those in control consider themselves in “control.” To use a “Marxist” term, they are the new bourgeois [sic] leadership. This will be a convenient way to just nail everybody in one fell swoop and virtually create a police state, one in which everybody is SUSPECT (think 1984 and the thought police.) Speaking of thought police, hate crimes come to mind; and yes this database being mandatory could be used maliciously, in controlling certain individuals to act the way the “bourgeois” want them to. Who is to say that they will not only swab your mouth but take a few hair samples, you know, to keep as “part of the database records” and you can imagine of the rest. As far as I know the idea of a mandatory DNA registration for everyone in the US has not been taken under consideration, but give it time.
Now back to the other issue of not being convicted of a crime and still having to register. In our constitution (which McCain obviously sees as a pesky nuisance to his grab for power) The 5th amendment gives us the right against self incrimination and it could be argued that forcing citizens to register would be forcing one to testify using their own bodies. So far I would think that the 4th amendment would protect us against the government from “seizing” DNA samples of us all…for now. But we also thought we were protected from government seizure of our private property (that worked our well… Kelo v. City of New London anybody!) Do not count on the Supreme Court
So what are we to do? We need to vigilantly guard our civil liberties in accordance with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution this is why we need constitutional education in our public schools sooooo badly. Kids now days are being taught that we are given our rights by the governments and legislation. The truth is the government governs because the people allow them to. If we ever just stood up and said no more, they would all be out of work in an instant. And this is an unsolicited plug but go to and you can order a FREE copy of the constitution for yourself. It really is nice to have a copy on hand in case you have any questions.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

John McCain pulling another Perot

John McCain, is he pulling a fast one on the Republican party like Ross Perot did back in the 90’s. What Perot did was to appeal to the “independent” voter and vote for a change or a new direction. What was not widely talked was his animosity against the former George Bush. You remember the accusations that the Republicans (in 1992) were going to pull a “dirty trick” on his daughter during her wedding. Now to McCain’s run this time, he believed that it was his turn to run for president in 2000 but Bush got in his way and you know the rest from then on. Now 2008 McCain is running again and is taking all the endorsements and anything else that he can to get the nomination nod from the Republicans. Now to delve into my theory that McCain is going be instrumental in handing the White House to the Democrats in 2008. First lets take a look at the positive reporting from the media. First and foremost there is no real examination of his cooperation with “liberal” politicians, ie…Feingold for one. His wreaking havoc on the first Amendment (which gives us the freedom of the press) is not touted as a bad thing. But non the less the Media is giving him a fighting chance unlike the savage beating that they would normally give any other “true” conservative Republican. This leads to my thinking that this could be a major “bait and switch” candidate. As with Ross Perot, McCain is going to divide up the republican vote between the conservative Reagonites and the “Blue Blood Liberal” wing of the Republican party. By this I mean that those who believe that McCain is betraying the Constitution (McCain Feingold) will not vote for him. This will leave the “liberal” and the so called independent voters to push for him and give him great exposure as a “maverick” candidate. I think it is safe to say that the independent voters are more than likely going to vote for Democrats when the rubber meats the road. But the “liberals” needed to propel an easy target to the forefront of the Republican party so that they can seal the deal for the Democrats to take over in 2008. I also believe that McCain knows this and with his cozying up to the Democrats over the years has put him in a great position to surrender the White House to the Democrats if he gets the nod. The way for him to get the nod is to get the delegate votes. This is where the media come into play for him. They gin him up as the candidate for the Republicans by trashing his opponents and puffing him up to look good and making him a sure thing. But we all know who the media truly supports and they could not with a straight face endorse a Republican candidate unless they had an agenda. Like Ross Perot, McCain has already fractured the Republican conservative base against the more left of the party. Now why would a person be willing to sacrifice their chance at the highest office in the land unless there was not a good reason. Remember Ross split up the vote for the Democrats and Clintons in 1992, now the same thing is occurring again for the Democrats and the CLINTONS. Do not underestimate the Clintons. SSSD–Same Stuff Same Democrat. This would make one think, with McCain’s friendship with the more “liberal” Democrats what is his “second prize” for giving up the White House. Could this be maybe better treatment and position in the Senate or maybe a cabinet position. Remember he was approached before about running as V.P. on the Democratic ticket. This makes sense when you think about how this race has been run and what McCain stands for (btw he is a RINO republican in name only) and who are these mysterious “independent” voters anyway.